Saturday, January 16, 2010

Unobtrusive fly control/country home/want home made/natural?

Lived here 20+ yrs. This year is overloaded w/flies! Don't want baggies hanging overhead! Tried for flypaper/none left! Looking for ';sweet'; bottle traps. Is there a ';beer';trap?Honey?

Want for in home-NO SMELL!/Tired of being BUZZED while trying to enjoy private time -Husband too! Dairys very nearby! Dairy's follow guides/Prbly/ Norm. just older, more easily annoyed if things (ie:FLIES) keep invading! I Know It is Fall BUT no freezes yet! HATE SPRAYS! NATURAL WAY? Want 'em dead NOW! Have many flyswats in all rooms/have 5'x8' peach mirror/THEY LOVE IT!/Cleaned 6X 4wks! Can't we please kill them? If not, bottle them up to make someone else miserable?Unobtrusive fly control/country home/want home made/natural?
Sure, you can buy one of the stinky traps--just don't use the stinky. There's no reason why sweets wouldn't work. Sugar has a more attractive smell to flies than honey, so make up some simple syrup and swirl it around the inside of the trap.

Simple syrup: 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar, over medium heat stir sugar and water together until the sugar dissolves. Simple.

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