Monday, January 18, 2010

How to control my horse when she is freaking out because there are flies on her legs?

I am a beginner rider and my leader had to go help another rider. We were getting ready to dismount and my horse started to move her head to her legs and she was just about freaking out because there were probably flies on them. Anyway, we dismounted and she started to freak out again and didn't know what to do because i am a beginner rider so i had to let go and I didn't know how to control her. So, in short, can you tell me how to control my horse when she is freaking out?How to control my horse when she is freaking out because there are flies on her legs?
well I suggest buying some fly spray, i suggest endure brand, it works wonders.

but when your horse starts acting funny, you need to sit really heavy in the saddle, bear all of your weight onto his or her back.

if your horse is backing, stomping, snorting, i suggest putting your hands forward and nudging him or her forward with your heels behind the saddle. if you horse is bucking or trying to take control, or going faster, take your lower leg completely off of your horse and pull him in a few tight circles, that should help.

if you are not on your horse and it is freaking out, dont pull on their head, they will pull back even harder. keep your lead slack and wait untill you can get in range of her, patt her neck and say whoah, easy, its okay, things like that, brush the flys away where they are bothering her and be soothing, and calm.

remember: you cannot fight your horse, they are way stronger than you. work with them, try to have the same mindset as them.How to control my horse when she is freaking out because there are flies on her legs?
Well before you go out for a ride i would put fly spray on your horse, use a fly mask if possible. Umm, Tighten your reigns, sit deep in the saddle, and if she is shaking her head (or he) let them shake the fly off and then try to hold it there, if you can use a fly mask there shouldn't be this problem. Umm, stay calm and just relax i guess, be in control and you'll be fine.
Trying telling the horse owner that she freaks when flys touch her, and ask if you can spray fly spray on her? Its not that big of a deal, and it will solve the problem. Even if it wasn鈥檛 my horse, I wouldn鈥檛 see anything wrong with putting some fly spray on her legs. The worst that would happen is the horse doesn鈥檛 like fly spray, obviously your riding the horse so you know the owner, just ask? haha Good luck;)
Make sure you get fly spray on her whole body often. The flies are really bad these days. I actually take a sponge and spray the sponge and go over the whole body good. And I personally would never let go, might ask for help but would not let go. She's gonna think that she runs the show. Hold on tight.
Remove the cause. She needs fly repellant that works. Buy some Farnam Endure and apply it to her legs, belly, etc. before you ride her again.
Ask your trainer thats what they are there for.
get high quality fly spray or try to get fly strips in the barn. hope that helps!!
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