Monday, January 18, 2010

How to control anger? My husband flies into rages suddenly?

in situations with total strangers. It is very difficult trying to control him. He gets abusive and it is difficult to control him. When he is back to his normal self, he agrees his behaviour is not correct and regrets the same. Any suggestions on how to help him control his temper?How to control anger? My husband flies into rages suddenly?
u r going through the same like me.

its nothing new for me too.

but i have something for u. u know that ur husband is short tempered. u should also know one of his weakness. in the sense he loves u right there must be something in u which wud make him melt. for example with my husband if i feel bad for something tears start accumulating in my eyes my husband understands immidiately that he is hurting me. i dont cry all the time so. he likes when i keep smiling and persuading him like a kid. so there must be something like that between u. so my smile makes him forget everything. thats his weakness. well i wont ask u to take advantage of it even when u are wrong.

somebody has to be understanding and giving up in the situations where u see u cannot control the other person. also it is very important to say sorry with full heart if u relaise u r wrong. when he is in a good mood tell him what his positives r. and what his negatives r. tell him what is the most u like about him and what is the worst which hurts u. and ask him to change lil by lil on that matter for u. u do the same ask him ur positives and negatives and u ask him what he doesnt like in u and wants to change a lil. try on and when he sees the difference in u he will automatically feel he has to change too for u because u r changing the lil things that bothers him.

lil tip is that when u r with family, relatives and friends u see there r certain topics that might end up in some unlikley things and the topic is going to begin or already started just pause in with something new and change the topic of thier conversation smoothly where they dont realise they have been divereted from what they were speaking.

also when u see ur husband is uncontrollable just leave the place temporarily and ask for excuse and go to toilet or someplace within the premises and come back a lil later he wud have cooled down. dont show ur anger at that time. show ur feeling of been hurt from ur facial expression cos u dont want everyone to see ur husband as a bad husband. because u cant let him down he is ur love right.

do not talk about what happend on the same day. talk about it after few days when he seems ok. solve any issues u have in a weeks time from the day the incident happen. do not carry it through out life. it brings hateredness and nothing else.

and after talking forget the issue do not take it and mix that issue and fight when something else newly comes in and ur anger raises.

well its all in a girls hand to make or destroy relations. i think there is nothing impossible if a girl is determined and positive full of hope and love and affection.

i wish u all the best.How to control anger? My husband flies into rages suddenly?
If he agrees that he needs to change, Reiki and Bach Flowers can help him. Let him go to:



for more information and he can select his own Flower Essences and receive Reiki.

The online courses are free.
He needs to figure out why. It's fear of something. Fear of losing something we have or fear of not getting something we want. That's what's going on when we act out like that. He needs professional help to find out what it is he is so afraid of that is making him act out so angry. Are things bad at his work? If he thinks he might lose his job, that could be making him act out. Sick child or parent? Marital problems? Anything like that could be doing it. Might not even be something you are aware of.
this answer you may not relate to at all ..... but on the other-hand you are probably desperate ????

Start going to church ..... one where they know how to pray for people. I hate to admit it, but I had the same type of problem once ..... it was difficult to deal with and to this day i still have to mange myself and ';watch'; myself ...... although with age came some mellowness .... I needed to be ';set free'; ... and I was. Next I had to learn how to walk in the liberty I was given ... and that is a process ... there are mostly good days with some bad days mixed in. You just have to keep going. You have to be diligent ......

thing is I wanted to change and be better ..... and that must have been the key. so the pastor that worked with me found it easy to work with me cuz I always did everything he said to do .....

hope this offers some insight ....
check up his pressure and use nice words to him
I can't believe I'm saying this but, get him to start smoking pot. In most cases it makes them into pussycats.
I used to do that a lot,I found out I had a mental problem.I take medicine now for that.

anger management might help a little bit.

theirs no way you can change him.

counseling probably will not work.

Sorry to say.

I wish Y'all the best.
Slap him.

Oh, sorry, taht's illegal., Too bad.

If he agrees,t hen he should slap himself right in the face. Hard.

WhenI had a hormone problem (unknown to me) and I acted out, I slapped myself really hard. It triggered the part of the brain that isn't rational, but very responsive to reward and punishment.

Did me a great deal of good, and my family, too.

Good luck!
Have you considered that he may have borderline personality disorder?
Unzip his pants... :)
He needs anger management classes
Anger management classes will only help him if he gets treated by a psychologist or mental health professional to find out what is making him go through those mood changes.
1. This looks happening on spur of moment. Looks he loves you but want to reinforce his ideas.

You must give him amla, lot of water, sankhpushpi, moti bhasm.

Can wear pearl stone also.

May eat kheer on poornima.

Do not wear black/ red cloth. Wear yellow.

Worshipping shiva can be effective.

Jal Neti can be effective.

I think he must take garlic everyday.

contact me at
ask for professional help!
Sounds like he has an anger management problem. He needs to go to someone and get some help for that. Tell him to do that right away before he gets into a fight with someone, or he pisses somebody off so bad that he's the one that gets hurt, or winds up going to jail.
Sounds like it would be good for him to go to anger management classes, they will help him think about the things he his doing, and if he agrees that it was wrong after the fact anyway, why not ask him to do this for the both of you
Have him seek professional hellp, IMMEDIATELY if he can't control it himself.
In order for someone to ';get angry';, they have to have a reason. Sometimes people who are hyper-active have this problem, and the anger as it were is really just energy thats bottled up. In the case where it is impatience, well, deep-breathing meditation works wonders. Using a mantra (word or phrase uttered over and over) helps with this immensely.

When you put this thought in your head ';Ok, why does this upset me and what is going to be the result?'; immediately after a problem, you put an idea in your head that should pop up automatically.

Remember to always consider, ';Is this life or death or am I just overreacting?';. Taking ones' beliefs too seriously, or intense pride, leads to these reactive behaviors.

The decision to be non-reactionary (ie reasonable) has to come from deep within, it has to be A NEED, not just a want.

Good luck!
Ask him to do meditation based on self-realization under the guidance of an experienced spiritual teacher. He should become diplomatic and tactful in four to 9 months. In other words, he would be able to control his anger and not abuse others. Positive changes can be felt from the first week itself of his attending the first meditation class.
make him see someone NOW!!
Send him back to the Mother who spoiled her baby boy...
1.Try to understand whether his temperament is same as in his office. If yes it is easy to Control.

2.If no he has to be taken to a meditation to practise yoga.

3.change your approach in telling the problem to him. Viz discussing the issues during or taking food. It should be discussed according to his mood.

4.Discuss good things abut others and stay positive.

5.Think about the other People who are a degree less than us they are also leading a happy life. Likewise it has to taught in a better mood.

6.There are many things like this which cannot be told here. Since we don't know the situation of hi anger.
People don't change. You shouldn't have married him in the first place.
Hi Kate, I'm sorry to hear about your husbands sudden outbursts. You have some options here. I had a son the same way so I know what you are going through. Not that it's the same diagnosis as my son's. I had my son first of all to enroll in some Aggression management classes. It helped some for awhile. Then his temper esculated which I didn't feel was normal. I took him to our physician and found out that he had Bi Polar which is a disorder which can be controlled with medication and sometimes counseling. His attitude and behavior was like a ';Dr Jekyl and Mr. Hyde';. One minute he was calm,cool and collected and just with a snap of the finger his behavior turned for the worse with aggression and anger. After our physician diagnosed him with this disorder and placed him on medication he seems like his ';ole self'; again. Now I'm not saying that your husband has the same problem as my son but you might want to see your Dr. and maybe he can help and find out what is wrong with your husband. It just might be a medical issue. Good luck and my thoughts are with you.
Anger managment will not be the key to fixing your husbands problem.. i will bet you any amount you wish to bet that your husband can fix this problem very easily..have him go see his family doctor and have his blood pressure checked that way he can start taking medication to fix this problem because what you are explaining to me sounds like a heart attack or a major stroke just around the corner..and if it's not highblood pressure i'm with the person who suggested smoking marijuana..but make sure he smokes the kind that is in the Indica family that way it will relax him..if he smokes the stuff in the Sativa family he will end up all agitated..and that's not what you want..
Anger management class-right now. Is he not familiar with the Golden Rule?
group therapy!
hi its lalit

you should go for some yoga therapy of baba ramadev or whenever he is too angry tell him to count 1 to 20 before reacting to the anger situation
He needs anger management classes, before he hurts some one. Suggest this to him when he is settled down and not all out of control.

If he refuses to go to get help through an anger management class you may need to reconsider weather your are going to stay with him. Some day you could be hurt and you need to think about that. If you have children they are seeing his behavior and they will copy him when they are older. Get him help or get out.

No one deserves to have to be around some one who is out of control and so full of rage. Not a good or happy situation to have to live in.

Good luck to you I hope it all works out.

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