Saturday, January 16, 2010

How do you control the fly population in your house? (besides just not opening the door?)?

I've answered this question several times today, as have others with similar answers.

I didn't believe it til we did it. Hang quart size ziplock bags 1/2 filled with water near doors and elsewhere. The reflected light (even when not in direct sun) greatly bothers the multi-eyed flies. It works. Some add broken bits of cd's or aluminum foil to increase reflection, we don't and have almost no flies unlike before.How do you control the fly population in your house? (besides just not opening the door?)?
Screens on the windows, of course. Also, fly strips. Hung behind doors or in out-of-the-way places, they're practically unnoticeable. They also trap moths and other small flying insects, so there are fewer annoyances all around.How do you control the fly population in your house? (besides just not opening the door?)?
keep the air moving- they hate flying against the winda nd can not land
We use fly strips, window fly traps and a bag partially filled with water hanging on the side of the door. The water in the bag moves with any breeze and seems to keep the flys away from the doorway.
my dog loves to eat bugs of any when i find a fly i just point it out to her...she will catch and eat it!
Keep it cool and do not have open food laying around....and wash the dishes.

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