Saturday, January 16, 2010

Do they love me too much, or is it to control me? I need to spread my wings and fly.?

My parents are kind and loving. But every time I talk about thinking about moving out my dad pulls out a calculator and tells me how little I will have if I leave home. I try to tell him that tons of people do it and are donig great. I think I now have a fear of actually taking the step to move out on my own because of all the negative examples I've got from my parents. Is it as scary as I now think? And if I do it how do I tell them not to freak out?Do they love me too much, or is it to control me? I need to spread my wings and fly.?
It;s really hard for parents to let go, especially when they think that you are not ready. In their eyes, no matter how old you are, you'll always their little princess. So, prove to them, not by words, but by action, how you can manage your own life. Don't ask them for money. Be responsible. Avoid relationships right now (cuz one of their fears is that when you move out you'll have a whole bunch of guys in your house and they can't control that). Promise them that you will come by everyday just to say hi and see how everything's going. Remember, it's hard for parents to let go.

Prove to them that you can manage your own life and finance.

But believe me, you'll miss your mom's dinner.Do they love me too much, or is it to control me? I need to spread my wings and fly.?
Well, my parents were the same way and it had me scared to death to move out. How old are you? I'm 20 and just moved out in Dec. 2005. Wish I had done it earlier. I recomend no car payemtns, no credit cards, and sharing the rent with someone. I pay 330 a month for my share of rent, phone, dsl, cable, electricity and water. It really depends on you and where you live.
it simply shows how much they love u %26amp; they're indirectly telling u that they r not yet ready 2 let u go..

just explain 2 them that u'll always find tym 2 visit them evryday (if possible) %26amp; that u'l keep on calling them everyday..

u just wana grow up %26amp; depend on urself.. they'll understand but it'll take tym
Just tell them that if it all goes pear shaped you're sure they will let you come home again.

It's not that scary - you just have to be aware of your limits regarding your expenses...

If you have little money you'll have to start out with second hand furniture, old crockery from home etc well, that's what we tend to do here in AUS.

You'll also have to learn how to cook 'cos eating out is expensive!
Prove to them that you can manage yourself.

But believe me, you'll miss your Parents through out the your life.

They are protecting you in every aspects.
At first it its a blast then you realize how much it sucks. I would never move back in with them since I like being an adult but you should enjoy it while your there.
It's just you are very sexy %26amp; smart.

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