Saturday, January 16, 2010

Are feed through fly control suppliments...?

...insecticides, repellants, or something else?Are feed through fly control suppliments...?
I have tried the feed through fly control in the past and although it does work you HAVE to feed it to every horse and all year around. As it works through stopping the fly from reproducing and if there is any menuer any where on the property that does not contain the feed through product it negates the use of that products. Fly sprays work but they get expensive and have to be re allied every few days depending on heat and rain and other weather conditions.

I have found that fly predictors work very well with a little fly spray used sparingly when needed which is very little. They are also very cost effective.

Then why even ask the question?? The fact remains that they do work but you have to use them all the time. There are other products that work better for less.Are feed through fly control suppliments...?
You really don't want to use any of those. It's very unhealthy for a horse to eat stuff that's got insecticide.

There have been horses that have colicked and died from stuff that claimed to be safe. Like Rabon. Ick! It's still sold in stores.

Some people use garlic as a supplement, BUT horses can't digest garlic the same easy way that people can, and if given in large enough amounts, the horse can become anemic and that's not good.

Stick to fly sprays. They're safer than ingested insect poisons.
I don't understand the question sorry. Are there fly control in suppliments? I don't think so. I think garlic can deter flies but I dont' knoo if it's safe for horses. Try a website that is for Horses and repellents...just google it and find what information you can. I know ther are things that you can use but not what they are or anything. good luck.
Bottom line -- they are poison in a dose that doesn't kill your horse the instant they are consumed

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