Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I have these bee's? flying around my deck and need to know what they are, are they dangerous, how to control

They look like HUGE bee's. Body color black and yellow with HUGE wings. Approximately an inch in length. Are they dangerous? I have dogs and don't want them to get stung and I am allergic. Please help! I have pics.I have these bee's? flying around my deck and need to know what they are, are they dangerous, how to control
They are cicada killers and they are generally considered beneficial insects.

Please don't kill them or spray them.

The males guard the nest in the ground by perching nearby and THREATENING anything that comes close. The males are incapable of stinging. They are all bluff.

The females will be off hunting for cicadas. They don't have time to mess with you. They only want to find cicadas. They do have stingers, but many researchers have had to press their stingers repeatedly to their arms to get them to sting.

The sting is generally described as very mild, suprising for their size.

So, the females are docile, with mild stings and a non-aggressive manner. The males are somewhat territorial, but completely unable to sting.

Please let them be. They are harmless and beneficial.I have these bee's? flying around my deck and need to know what they are, are they dangerous, how to control
K fine,,,,

Are you sure they are bees.... some moths in the south, this time of year, look like bees. They can be identified by the fluffy type of antenna, and the fact that they don't ';BUZZ';.

For buzzing, bee,,,,

Long and slendor - wasp,,,, look for a hanging nest that looks like a shower head, they are not too dangerous for dogs.

About an inch long, black, with white bands,,,,paper hornet. Look under the deck for a hanging nest, that looks like a POD of paper machie. In GA, buy the local guy with a pick-up some beer, and he'll take care of the problem for you.

Fat buzzing bee,,,, brown and yellow, or dark brown and yellow, about as big as your thumb,,,, JAPANESE HORNETS. If you have a nest on your property, they must go, by a professional. Do not try to take on a nest yourself. I have seen one of these sting a mule, and the mule's legs buckeled.

a picture would be needed to ID...this time of year there is a large solitary wasp ';Cicada Killer'; They will dig a nest in the ground that looks like an ant bed...they usually are described as 2 inches. They would be considered harmless though as the years go by the numbers grow and they tear up the ground. Another one around an inch and that would be located around the deck are carpenter bees. They look like bumble bees and they can damage the deck. Along with those there could be other provisional wasps along with varieties of social wasps you are seeing.
Ringtail wasps are pretty nasty creatures. They make excellent security guards. If they are not bothering you then let them be.Paper wasps have some beneficial value as predators of pest caterpillars, however they have a painful sting and will attack any person approaching or disturbing their nest. Nests likely to be disturbed represent a hazard and should be avoided during the day.

Ignore nests where they are high or otherwise out of the way. Nests in high traffic areas such as doorways, pergolas or carports can be sprayed from the side at night with a registered aerosol wasp insecticide.In the event of a sting apply a cold pack. Seek medical attention if the victim is known to be allergic or if symptoms become more severe.

it is some type of wasp they used to circle around my mail box,i think they just gather to breed. they are not aggressive though i got stung once but i caused it by accidentally crushing it. they are basically harmless but leave them alone they do sting.wasps are generally not aggressive they eat many insect pests particularly flies,and caterpillars .......tom
Yes, you have a pic of a Cicada Killer, They usually only go after the Cicadas, I've been around them for years and never had a problem with them being aggresive.

They kill the Cicada and oviposit eggs into the carcass for the little ones to use the carcass as a breeding nursery.

Nature can be gruesome.
could be bummble bees or paper wasp dont think you can control them unless you have flowers on your deck that are attracting them then you need to get rid of the flowers . otherwise just leave them alone if you try to swat them and miss they get mad and will sting.
It would help to know what part of the world you live in.

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