Monday, January 18, 2010

A one question political quiz - A missile is flying at one of two targets you control its impact...?

Your country's missile has been damaged by small arms fire and will impact in a village square killing 17 innocent citizens of Waristan or you can destroy the missile with its self destruct but the remains will impact a PC killing 5 of your own country's soldiers

There are absolutely no other options, one of the 2 will occur, you have to decide

What do you do?A one question political quiz - A missile is flying at one of two targets you control its impact...?
Self destruct.A one question political quiz - A missile is flying at one of two targets you control its impact...?
You have not given enough information for this question to be answered properly. You say the citizens of Waristan are innocent, but you do not say that the soldiers are. If this is a veiled attempt to impugn American soldiers, I remind you that they are the ones defending your right to ask this question.
er, ahhh, ummmm, errr, uhh,, well, you see America needs to lead the way in nuclear arms reduction, uhhh,,, hmmmm,. uhhh, CRAP! That is above my paygrade. Go ask my Press Secretary, Gibbs.'d blow up waristan.
Eff Waristan, I'm not going to kill 5 American soldiers

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