Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Last night I flew higher and faster than any flying dream that I've had. Can dream flights be controlled?

The dream I had last night started with me driving in my car up on a high mountaintop. I kept thinking I was in Italy. There were lots of villages below and the landscape was beautiful. However, the terrain on the road was not passable. Several trees had dropped and their were huge boulders scattered everywhere. I sat down, looked at the landscape, and wondered what I was going to do.

Within seconds a hiker appeared and sat down beside me. I asked her what she was doing there. She smiled and said, ';You know me.'; A powerful sense of who this person was emerged; I recognized that she was an angel. And, with that I was commissioned (non-verbally) to take flight. The flight was vertical. I went up and up and up. It almost felt like being in a vacuum. I had no control, but I knew I was safe. The flight was exhilirating and joyful.

There was more to the dream. However, there is not enough space in this forum. I would like to know if any of you have developed dream flight control?Last night I flew higher and faster than any flying dream that I've had. Can dream flights be controlled?
When we dream of angels, guides, or any other kind of spiritually significant figure it can mean that this presence, essence, power, God, whatever you want to call it, is maybe visiting upon us. Perhaps we need that 'presence' in our life, or maybe we asked for it earlier %26amp; this is our 'answer'.

The path you were traveling on had been blocked, the terrain on the road impassible. Has the path of your life recently been blocked by something? (With that said, did you ask God for help - if so, this dream is your answer - the feelings of comfort %26amp; goodness that you had, his Love, meant to comfort %26amp; lift you).

To answer your question about peoples personal experience with flying in dreams, I constantly have dreams where I can fly/float. Usually I am in control of how high I go, and whether I go forwards, backwards, sideways, etc. It's more like swimming in the air than flying - but I do not have to move any body parts to gain motion, unless I want to go up in some dreams I have to propel my arms, like when you tread water while swimming - not like beating wings.

I find that my flying dreams are usually connected to feelings that you express when I have meditated %26amp; prayed for an answer to my problems.

My other flying dreams are usually me being goofy (to tease people that I am over their heads, or I run away from impossible situations by flying away %26amp; laugh at my enemies while doing it). Occassionally I have flying dreams where I am not being a trickster, but just soaring over great tracts of land or water, or floating above forests %26amp; going in and out of the tree tops.

One thing is certain though, I always maintain flight control. I'm always my own pilot. That's why I think your dream was a spiritual intervention - b/c you did not have control of your flight.Last night I flew higher and faster than any flying dream that I've had. Can dream flights be controlled?
You were NOT out of control- just in very good hands at the time, altho maybe it didn't feel like it at the time.

Check out lucid dreaming at: and for some lessons about flight control. ';Creative Dreaming'; by Patricia Garfield, Ph.D ISBN 0-345-24955-0-175 got things going; published first in the '70's, so it might be hard to find.

Keep the faith, blessed be.
Yes and I love those type of dreams. Most of the time mine are with someone chasing me. Though I do remember having one dream where I was flying up on a cloud until I reached Jesus and when I got there he was smiling telling me good job. Also while I was there he was directing traffic on a bridge where some cars would go up and some would fall down. It seems to me that God is very pleased with someting you have done and in my case it's like entering Heaven, remember there are bad roads but there is always another option :)

Whis is the best Flying Game... with fighter planes, all controls and everything...?

ACE COMBAT 6Whis is the best Flying Game... with fighter planes, all controls and everything...?
Microsoft Flight Combat Simulator.Any of them are good.Whis is the best Flying Game... with fighter planes, all controls and everything...?
Tom Clancy HawkX

Neurotransmitter Glutamate controls homosexuality in fruit flies?鈥?/a>

If that's the case then theoretically by changing the levels of glutamate you change the strenghth of the connections between neurons which results in a change in sexual orientation. I guess if sexuality is liable to change in fruit flies then why not humans. What are your personal opinions on this article?Neurotransmitter Glutamate controls homosexuality in fruit flies?
One more time.......the neurology of a HUMAN is vastly different than that of a fruit fly, this should not be all that hard to understand. This article that is circulating is an exact example of why popularization of scientific articles can be a bad idea. The writer often totally misses the significance and jumps to conclusions based on his or her own bias.Neurotransmitter Glutamate controls homosexuality in fruit flies?
I think you misunderstand. Fruit flies don't have a sexual orientation. They aren't attracted to others based on complex emotional and physical conditions, they're more focused on pheramones and ability to identify gender.

All this shows is that fruit flies can be 'tricked' into seeking the wrong gender in attempt to mate. It's seriously unlikely to move on to altering sexual attraction in humans or any mammal for that matter.
Gee, they can genetically engineer mice by gene splicing to run faster on treadmills but that doesn't mean there wil be a race of superhumans anytime soon. And a fruitfly's 'brain' is a far less complex one than a persons...and were not rats used to determine the Food Pyramid for feeding people, during World War 2? And the results are: it's great for fattening hogs but people in the West who follow it blindly suffer huge levels of obesity? So no, I think your question and thoughts on this are incredibly underdeveloped, and have no correlation to any possibilities. If they found a chemical to make fruitflies bugger each other silly, would you encourage that as a solution to world overpopulation? I somehow don't think so! All you show is a bias with a very weak basis and a poor knowledge of genetic research.
My glutes are quite fine, thanks anyway.

Genetically engineered oats are quite convenient for farmers but I prefer the natural oats.

My oatmeal is so tender and fresh. It give me all the energy I need and my home smells breakfasty, well that's in part due to the homemade cinnabuns Mrs. Pietrobelli brings me on Saturdays.

What Are The Controls For Super Mario Bros 3 For The Virtual Console On Wii Like Flying Etc.?

please answerWhat Are The Controls For Super Mario Bros 3 For The Virtual Console On Wii Like Flying Etc.?
Hints, cheats and walkthroughs for that game:鈥?/a>

Who flew the 9/11 planes? Who controlled the pilots? Where did they come from?

I think this one of the biggest and still little-known secrets of 9/11 is the actual identities and affiliations of the 9/11 pilots.

Does this video answer these questions?

Or not?Who flew the 9/11 planes? Who controlled the pilots? Where did they come from?
The pilots of United Airlines %26amp; American Airlines originally flew the planes until the hijackers from Al Qaeda overpowered them %26amp; took over.


Note: Are the hijackers still Alive?

This question was raised by the BBC because someone thought they might have seen a person, named as a hijacker, walking around.

If this is true, it simply means we got a hijacker NAME wrong. That鈥檚 all. No one is disputing that 19 members of Al Qaeda attacked us, and that all these persons are dead.

It means nothing.Who flew the 9/11 planes? Who controlled the pilots? Where did they come from?
Dude it was little green men in UFOs! It must be true I read it on the Internet!
The men we heard about were the ones that did it.... funded by alCIAda
Radical Muslim Arabs flew the planes.

Osama Bin Laden a radical Muslim Arab dissident controlled the pilots.

They came from Saudi.

I don't own a monitor to watch your conspiracy video and it doesn't take one to see what went on that day.
Some people think the planes were flown by remotes.

Read ';What's Behind The Media'; by Ryan Dawson. It explains (almost) everything.鈥?/a>
Hey *** wipes!!!! Some are still alive!!!!!!

Where can i find remote controlled airplanes which have to be assembled and then flown????????

it can be in indore,mumbai and pune...........i need a definite place and addressWhere can i find remote controlled airplanes which have to be assembled and then flown????????
You can find some online at Hobby Warehouse ( The offer a variety of RC (or remote controlled) products.
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  • Controlling Drain Flies?

    The topic is drain flies. Why don't pesticide companies treat drain flies? New to an area in the south. They left a quart of DF5000. It works to some degree but flies keep creeping in. In the interim I have used Drano and water blend with bleach. I might add that this is a new home. Less than a year. When we moved in there was a blockage in the drain system which was needed to be cleared during the first week of occupancy.

    Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.Controlling Drain Flies?
    The bleach should work. By drain flies, do you mean fruit flies or something bigger?

    I would not dilute the bleach too much. If that does not work, switch to a RAID type product. I like konk 409. Its an aerosol, but spray it directly down the drain.

    If you have a septic tank system, I would check with a plumber as you don't want the draino %26amp; everything reacting to blow up your septic tank.Controlling Drain Flies?
    Try keeping the drain closed, with a small amount of water in the tub. This should prevent them from coming out. Just change the water our once a day so it doesn't go stagnant.
    Drain flys come from a build up of waste materials coating your pipes, they can also breed in any wet damp place like water under flower pots, or leaking wash machines, etc. They come right through the water in the P trap when they emerge. It only takes 48 hrs from eggs to adult fly.

    Putting pesticides into a sewer drain is against federal law and all 50 states laws. The pesticides kill the microbes that digest the waste in septics and municipal sewage plants.

    Get rid of all standing, leaking water and damp places, then:

    Clean and scrub the pipes often to remove the build up. Then flush the pipes with bleach after each cleaning.

    OR: use an organic waste digester that slowly builds up and grows in your pipes. After about a month of applications, it will have grown enough microbes to have eaten all the waste in your pipes and is coating the sides of the pipe. The microbes will keep the pipes clean once they become established. Clean pipes deny the flys breeding places. DF5000 is such a waste digester, it is not a pesticide.

    Using bleach after using DF5000 kills the microbes in the DF5000 so stop using bleech and start using bio-degradable cleaners like people in the country with septics do. It takes about a month of treatment for DF5000 to work.

    The only other way to reduce the flys is to keep the drains covered when not in use. But when you unplug the drain to use it, they will rush out.

    If we had flying cars would we still need plains and how would traffic be controlled up in the sky ?

    we would still need planes for long distance travel, but locally you'd be airborne at such a rate and elevation as is warranted much as is it today with various air traffic control authorities...If we had flying cars would we still need plains and how would traffic be controlled up in the sky ?
    We would still need planes, yes, because flying cars would only be used for short distances or flying over streets and land. It wouldn't be like in the movie Star Wars or Treasure Island... they'd be more like hover-cars. Planes would be used for flying overseas or long distances. I mean, who really wants to drive/fly a hover-car over the ocean?If we had flying cars would we still need plains and how would traffic be controlled up in the sky ?
    Yah, we still need it.

    But, If we don't know the directions.

    If there's a flying cars, there should be flying man, where they will be the traffic enforcers.
    Probably still need planes but if they attached 'reverse' magnets to every car then they'd keep missing each other; wouldn't they?!?
    yeah we;d still use planes for up above the clouds

    the cars would be kinda low, just like it is on land, only 100 feet or so higher

    plains... yeah probably to land in
    Arent they planes? and idk

    Can anyobody tell me the controls for flying the helicopter in Vice City (for PC) ???

    Make sure you have the number locks on when you try that. Also go to options, controls and see what is set when you get into the helicopter. I hope this helps.Can anyobody tell me the controls for flying the helicopter in Vice City (for PC) ???
    Use Numpad keys and arrows!Can anyobody tell me the controls for flying the helicopter in Vice City (for PC) ???
    if u using laptop or PC use the E to Right and Q for left and use the arrows to go up , down , left and right ..

    Remote controlled ufo flying disc?

    I recently saw some people at the park have a giant ufo disc controlled by a remote, it seemed to be able to go a mile in the sky and also able to light up. It was the diameter of your armspan, like 5 feet across.

    Im trying to find one on the internet but all i see are toy sized ones.

    Does anyone know where i can find one of thesse?Remote controlled ufo flying disc?
    try ebay. did the ones at the park have four separate props? ive definitely seen the four propeller ones on ebay (tho that was a few years back..)

    hmm...never seen one, sounds rad though. try this, way expensive but maybe it will be a source point.鈥?/a>

    Hi Guys, I just bought a radio controlled airplane (UK) and am wanting to start flying it.?

    I have also paid for this remote control simulator that cost a fortune to get some practice. However I have been told you need insurance to fly the thing and I should join a flight club. They all look like they are full of old beirdy weirdy men with no life and I want to just go flying in a quiet field . Am i gonna be in trouble with the law. Obviously if i hit someone then fair enough but surely the old bill are gonna be more bust catching gits on minimotos than wastign time on a radio controlled plane. I just don't want to join a club with loads of old men. I am only 27 and am not ready fo flasks of tea and talk about the weather quite yet. Any advice pleaseHi Guys, I just bought a radio controlled airplane (UK) and am wanting to start flying it.?
    Ok,I get your point about some of the people at the clubs but just remember that they have a hell of a lot of experience and can help you a lot. You might even manage to fly it for the first time without trashing it if you ask for help at a club! Most good clubs have a trainer plane you can use and someone willing to teach you. Simulators are OK but they are nothing like the real thing which is much faster and harder to control!

    Do you know how to trim your plane? If not then you must get help otherwise you will trash it first go!

    You must have insurance, if you hit someone or something with the plane, apart from causing a lot of damage you are going to get your *** sued big time. You wont get problems from the police but the potential to kill someone with a model is very high so please be careful where you fly it. You can join the BMFA (British model flyer's association) your joining fee gives you a huge amount of public liability insurance and also gives you access to a lot of knowledge.

    You also have to be aware of the civil aviation authority rules on where and when you can fly, so no flying anywhere near the flight path of an airport! (by the way the CAA is far more scary than the police if they get on your case!).

    Once you have joined a club and become a competent flyer then if you want to do your own thing you will be much safer and have more fun.

    By the way I don't have a beard, I'm not weird, I'm 44 and my girlfriend is 25 (so I have a life!).

    Good luck I hope you enjoy your flying as much as I do!Hi Guys, I just bought a radio controlled airplane (UK) and am wanting to start flying it.?
    Yes mr Bailey you need public liability ins ,you are obliged to join a club ,in order to be registered,they are not full of old men ,some lovely ladies also take part.
    I fly rc planes and have for many years. I'm here to tell you you need some help - chances are you have no chance at all trying it on your own. You likely won't be in trouble unless you trespass on private property or kill someone.

    Join a club be nice to the old folks and when you have mastered it you can go out on your own. I used to fly at Enfield and at Southend on Sea.
    Success rate without assistance is dismal.

    to put it in terms of baseball (US residents get it right away)

    Strike 1 = a beginner

    Strike 2 = an untrimmed model

    Strike 3 = the motor starts.,

    Models don't survive strike 4 so you better be perfect. if you want to try it without help.

    Just 10 minutes of instruction can make a huge difference in your ability to succeed in learning to fly the model.

    An instructor will inspect your model to make sure it is properly assembled and all the controls respond properly, then he/she will test fly the model and ';trim'; it to fly straight.

    A beginner flying an untrimmed model is fighting a losing battle.

    Regardless of the legality. Its just foolish to avoid the help that is available.
    Hey, Bailey, we old guys like to have fun, too. If you want to avoid pranging your new kite, I'd suggest you get friendly with one of those ';old beirdy weirdy'; (sic) men. Where do you think knowledge and wisdom reside?
    DO NOT FLY WITHOUT INSURANCE, EVER. (See link). When you say ';if i hit someone then fair enough'; does that mean that by stuffing a flying model into the side of someones head is fair enough. Wlll you be in trouble with the law? you bet. Besides I can assure you that you will stuff it into the ground first time out without the help of one of those ';Old Men';. You cannot just go to a site unpack and fly, The ';Old Men'; won`t let you You will find that you will only be able to fly at designated sites allowed by local councils, unless you know a friendly farmer. You are going to have to change your attiude a tad if you are going to take model flying any further.
    You guys in UK have to have insurance? I guess not a bad idea.

    I am the same way. Just like to go out by myself and fly in the farm fields (in Ventura County,Ca), maybe with a buddy. There is a club right down the road with the same ';old guys';. I just prefer not to pay the fees but it might be different in UK.

    Its is possible to learn on your own. I did. Gave my non powered glider at least 50 throws into the wind until I got it. That made for a repair for every 3 or so throws. Under .049 gas power it was terrifying. Now if you have a gas powered balsa - its just plain dangerous to go at it as a novice. Even some elecrtics can do some damage. Those old dudes can help and I would seek some help from someone else if you dont want their help. This is coming from someone who DID learn by themself. Good luck!
    This beardy old man hopes someone treats you with contempt sometime today.

    Which radio controlled flying thing is better for in and outdoor?flying saucer,helicopter or plane,flying bird

    best rc thing for my money flying indoors and outdoors:flying saucer,helicopter or plane,flying bird thing answer quickly pls!!!!Which radio controlled flying thing is better for in and outdoor?flying saucer,helicopter or plane,flying bird
    I believe that you should separate the indoor and outdoor requirements.

    Anything that can fly slowly enough to be usable indoors is too slow to fly outdoors. An indoor heli, like the airhogs havoc of much better, the E-Flite Blade CX2 is great indoors. Very stable. Almost able to fly itself. But that very stability makes it a very poor candidate for outdoor flying. Even a very mild breeze will blow them away, beyond the ability of the aircraft to come back.

    I have many indoor aircraft, planes and helis.

    I have many outdoor aircraft, plains, heli and sailplanes.

    The indoor aircraft only gets played with outdoors on those very rare, absolutely still evenings.

    Get an indoor heli. I recommend the E-Flite Blade CX2. Play with it enough to decide if you want outdoor RC aircraft as well. Then purchase a more capable outdoor model.

    Also, read a lot on these dedicated RC forums where you will find a TON of useful information and be able to ask questions to a targeted RC community.

    Micro Helis:

    Beginner Electric helis:鈥?/a>

    Indoor micro planes:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Read a lot. Ask a lot of questions. Have fun and good luck!Which radio controlled flying thing is better for in and outdoor?flying saucer,helicopter or plane,flying bird
    the flying saucer because the of the way that it is made
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  • Flight Simulator X Gate Controls and Flying?

    How do you get the ground service such as the cargo belt, luggage cart to start moving onto your plane? which planes work if you call the ground service?? And, how do create a free flight with the CO-captain telling you want to set the controsl too such as the heading and ALt etc.

    Thanks :)Flight Simulator X Gate Controls and Flying?
    flight simulator, as the name suggests, is a flight simulation program, no pun intended. it's not an airport / city simulation. you should look into Simcity for that.

    so, you can increase the ';realism'; on the ground (Settings =%26gt; Customize button =%26gt; Traffic panel =%26gt; Airport vehicle density: put it to max) but even that won't put something there, that isn't. the program is about flying, not about (un-)loading planes.

    as for ';help'; outside of missions; well, that's what the missions are for: teach you how to fly on your own, learn how to program a flight from one airport to an other aso. once you took all the ';missions'; or, let's call a cat a cat, lessons and have a serious look at the learning center which will introduce you to those ';annoying details'; of flying, like planing a flight %26amp; all you can control your flight yourself, without assistance.

    alternatively, there are a few extra missions that can be downlaoded (e.g. from鈥?/a> )

    on a more metaphysical plane, keep in mind that flying an airliner nowadays isn't much different then driving a bus. the main difference being... speed and... altitude. you can reasonably bring a bus to stop by stomping on the break pedal. not quite so easy flying at 30'000 feet above the ground at 300 to 400 knots 8-X

    but otherwise, make no mistake, flying back and forth between New York Laguardia and Reagan National Airport in DC three or four times a day is just as boring a routine as ridding a bus in downtown Manhattan :-/

    if you want to feel the adventure of flying, take an Ultralight or at most a Piper and start from some small airfield (maybe with a grass strip instead of a concrete runaway?!?) and explore the countryside

    I'm planning on buying a cheap (the cheapest) remote controlled flying toy. :)?

    A remote controlled airplane . Really the cheapest one, that costs about 70 dollars. Any suggestions...experiences you have...thanks in advance!I'm planning on buying a cheap (the cheapest) remote controlled flying toy. :)?
    Get a tiny helicopter for less money. They rock.I'm planning on buying a cheap (the cheapest) remote controlled flying toy. :)?
    Wasp Micro Helicopter even thought mine crashed within a few hours :P only 拢15.00
    Get the helicopter from Wal Mart for $25. It's fun and will keep you from buying a plane and crashing it and having to go out and buy a new one. Heck... I think I saw a plane one at Wal Mart too. I can't remember...

    I have these bee's? flying around my deck and need to know what they are, are they dangerous, how to control

    They look like HUGE bee's. Body color black and yellow with HUGE wings. Approximately an inch in length. Are they dangerous? I have dogs and don't want them to get stung and I am allergic. Please help! I have pics.I have these bee's? flying around my deck and need to know what they are, are they dangerous, how to control
    They are cicada killers and they are generally considered beneficial insects.

    Please don't kill them or spray them.

    The males guard the nest in the ground by perching nearby and THREATENING anything that comes close. The males are incapable of stinging. They are all bluff.

    The females will be off hunting for cicadas. They don't have time to mess with you. They only want to find cicadas. They do have stingers, but many researchers have had to press their stingers repeatedly to their arms to get them to sting.

    The sting is generally described as very mild, suprising for their size.

    So, the females are docile, with mild stings and a non-aggressive manner. The males are somewhat territorial, but completely unable to sting.

    Please let them be. They are harmless and beneficial.I have these bee's? flying around my deck and need to know what they are, are they dangerous, how to control
    K fine,,,,

    Are you sure they are bees.... some moths in the south, this time of year, look like bees. They can be identified by the fluffy type of antenna, and the fact that they don't ';BUZZ';.

    For buzzing, bee,,,,

    Long and slendor - wasp,,,, look for a hanging nest that looks like a shower head, they are not too dangerous for dogs.

    About an inch long, black, with white bands,,,,paper hornet. Look under the deck for a hanging nest, that looks like a POD of paper machie. In GA, buy the local guy with a pick-up some beer, and he'll take care of the problem for you.

    Fat buzzing bee,,,, brown and yellow, or dark brown and yellow, about as big as your thumb,,,, JAPANESE HORNETS. If you have a nest on your property, they must go, by a professional. Do not try to take on a nest yourself. I have seen one of these sting a mule, and the mule's legs buckeled.

    a picture would be needed to ID...this time of year there is a large solitary wasp ';Cicada Killer'; They will dig a nest in the ground that looks like an ant bed...they usually are described as 2 inches. They would be considered harmless though as the years go by the numbers grow and they tear up the ground. Another one around an inch and that would be located around the deck are carpenter bees. They look like bumble bees and they can damage the deck. Along with those there could be other provisional wasps along with varieties of social wasps you are seeing.
    Ringtail wasps are pretty nasty creatures. They make excellent security guards. If they are not bothering you then let them be.Paper wasps have some beneficial value as predators of pest caterpillars, however they have a painful sting and will attack any person approaching or disturbing their nest. Nests likely to be disturbed represent a hazard and should be avoided during the day.

    Ignore nests where they are high or otherwise out of the way. Nests in high traffic areas such as doorways, pergolas or carports can be sprayed from the side at night with a registered aerosol wasp insecticide.In the event of a sting apply a cold pack. Seek medical attention if the victim is known to be allergic or if symptoms become more severe.

    it is some type of wasp they used to circle around my mail box,i think they just gather to breed. they are not aggressive though i got stung once but i caused it by accidentally crushing it. they are basically harmless but leave them alone they do sting.wasps are generally not aggressive they eat many insect pests particularly flies,and caterpillars .......tom
    Yes, you have a pic of a Cicada Killer, They usually only go after the Cicadas, I've been around them for years and never had a problem with them being aggresive.

    They kill the Cicada and oviposit eggs into the carcass for the little ones to use the carcass as a breeding nursery.

    Nature can be gruesome.
    could be bummble bees or paper wasp dont think you can control them unless you have flowers on your deck that are attracting them then you need to get rid of the flowers . otherwise just leave them alone if you try to swat them and miss they get mad and will sting.
    It would help to know what part of the world you live in.

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    Fly Control?

    I am considering putting my mare on some kind of a feed through fly control supplement for this comming insect season. I board her so not every horse in the barn will be on the same thing. I was thinking of just feeding plain old garlic to help reduce the number to fly bites she gets. If I feed her something like Bug Check or just Organic Garlic, will it still help to reduce the flies on her even if the other horses aren't getting it?Fly Control?
    I think the feed through stuff would only work if they were all getting it because it stops the flies from breeding and hatching in the poo so they'd just do it in the other horses' poo instead.

    If you feed garlic it will reduce the bites because it alters the way they smell so they are less attractive to the insects. This definitely works to some extent as we have been using it for years on ours and you can really see the difference if they don't have it.Fly Control?
    I have already started my mares on Horse Garlic. Last year was the 1st year for me to try it and honestly it works. I purchased my garlic at our local tack store. Ani-Med is the name of the 100 o/o pure garlic. I feed 2 tablespoons twice daily.
    I know anther trick my farrier taught me. One of my mares is allergic to fly bites, so we put Apple Cider Vinegar in her food. It smells very bitter, but if the horse rejects it, it will get hungry enough to eat it. It's kind of sad to force them to eat it, but the flies stay away.
    Has anyone ever thought about keeping a clean barn and using a good fly spray? I'm in the midwest, the heart of flys during the summer months. I keep the maure pile about 200 yards away from the barn, use fans during high humidity, and change the water in the tanks every day when the tempeture is over 80. I have no fly problms! But have been to barns that use home made recipies, cheap sprays,feed through stuff, and you cant stand in the hallways without getting bit every second! Folks, there is no 100% cure for flys, just do the best you can! I also use Endure, Happy Horse or Repel X on the horses and in the stalls. No problms here! There is no perfect solution to keep flys away, they were here before we were! Just keep the flys intrest away from the barn......
    if you are going to use a feed through fly control use garlic. other types just kill fly eggs when the fly lays them in the manure and since not all the horses will be fed the supplement it won't help much at all. garlic will reduce the number of bites.
    instead of feeding her something y don't u try 2 spray her with vinegar? i heard that it works

    Does the film ';One flew over the cuckoo's nest'; support the belief that we are free to control our destinies?

    There exists in America a cherished belief that it is distinguishable from other societies because its citizens are free to assume control of their own destinies. To what extent does the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest support or challenge this belief?Does the film ';One flew over the cuckoo's nest'; support the belief that we are free to control our destinies?
    The film (and the book) is an archetypal late 60s/early 70s rage against the machine. I interpreted it as saying that - even in American society - there are orthodoxies that grind people down. McMurphy steps outside of these orthodoxies, initially with underage sex, and then proceeds to take on every element of authority. The control of the rules, the control of the staff and even the control of the chemicals with the pills that he spits out.

    In this, it perhaps harks back to earlier films such as Rebel Without A Cause.

    Eventually they have to fry his brain to extinguish his spirit, but by this time he's motivated the others - Babbit, Chief Bromden - to take control of their own destinies.

    If anything, it doesn't suggest that American society is by its nature any freer than anywhere else. There is an implicit suggestion underlying the movie that officialdom and authority (in any country) will gain increasing mass and control over time.

    Remember that the book in particular originated in the 60s, as a reaction to the incredibly conformist and reactionary America of the 50s - a time during which Kesey, Forman and Nicholson were growing up.

    That's the context I'd put it in. A call to arms for a freer spirit but also a product of its age. And despite what happens to McMurphy, in the final analysis it's an optimistic movie. The baton is passed on and - to answer your question - yes, people are made aware that they control their own destinies. It also makes the point (via those who voluntarily sign themselves in and out of the hospital) that freedoms are surrendered too easily (shades of the Patriot Act?).

    You can only take the freedoms back once you've been made aware that you have given them up in the first place.Does the film ';One flew over the cuckoo's nest'; support the belief that we are free to control our destinies?
    Are you doing film studies by any chance...?


    I get what you're saying about the appendices and such but it does seem as though you're going to be given a usable answer for very little effort.

    But really, watch the film and read the book too. They are really awesome works, you will enjoy the time you spent. One of my favourite books (and films) of all time. It'll touch you.
    If you or any-one else believes that you have complete freedom of choice and controll over your own life and destiny, then you gotta be mad and you will have to be cured...or die in the process of treatment. The film supports my views and kills the myth of ';Freedom';
    Are we doing your homework? Watch the movie and you would understand. It's a good movie as well. The movie does support that we can control our destinies if we really want to. In a way it could support both arguments, but the main character supports that we can.
    I does, but it is also a reminder that sometimes controlling influences prohibit us from fulfilling our destiny by going against our will. As evident by the lobotomising of McMurphy at the end.

    Each character explores this notion in different ways. The Chief, largely sedate and and passive, grows stronger and stronger because of Randall McMurphy's influence, until he becomes the master of his own destiny and escapes.

    Randall McMurphy encourages all the other characters, to some extent, to think for themselves and here is therefore a great influence on other people, thereby helping them realise they can control the direction of their own lives. He himself appears to be in control, until the very end - and that is why the ending is a shock.

    Billy Bibbit even shows he is in control of his own destiny - overcoming his stutter and inhibitions to sleep with the woman at the end, and taking his own life when Nurse Rached threatens to tell his mother. At that point, he has rendered the nurse powerless by his own actions, even though it has cost him his life.

    Good question!

    How to control my horse when she is freaking out because there are flies on her legs?

    I am a beginner rider and my leader had to go help another rider. We were getting ready to dismount and my horse started to move her head to her legs and she was just about freaking out because there were probably flies on them. Anyway, we dismounted and she started to freak out again and didn't know what to do because i am a beginner rider so i had to let go and I didn't know how to control her. So, in short, can you tell me how to control my horse when she is freaking out?How to control my horse when she is freaking out because there are flies on her legs?
    well I suggest buying some fly spray, i suggest endure brand, it works wonders.

    but when your horse starts acting funny, you need to sit really heavy in the saddle, bear all of your weight onto his or her back.

    if your horse is backing, stomping, snorting, i suggest putting your hands forward and nudging him or her forward with your heels behind the saddle. if you horse is bucking or trying to take control, or going faster, take your lower leg completely off of your horse and pull him in a few tight circles, that should help.

    if you are not on your horse and it is freaking out, dont pull on their head, they will pull back even harder. keep your lead slack and wait untill you can get in range of her, patt her neck and say whoah, easy, its okay, things like that, brush the flys away where they are bothering her and be soothing, and calm.

    remember: you cannot fight your horse, they are way stronger than you. work with them, try to have the same mindset as them.How to control my horse when she is freaking out because there are flies on her legs?
    Well before you go out for a ride i would put fly spray on your horse, use a fly mask if possible. Umm, Tighten your reigns, sit deep in the saddle, and if she is shaking her head (or he) let them shake the fly off and then try to hold it there, if you can use a fly mask there shouldn't be this problem. Umm, stay calm and just relax i guess, be in control and you'll be fine.
    Trying telling the horse owner that she freaks when flys touch her, and ask if you can spray fly spray on her? Its not that big of a deal, and it will solve the problem. Even if it wasn鈥檛 my horse, I wouldn鈥檛 see anything wrong with putting some fly spray on her legs. The worst that would happen is the horse doesn鈥檛 like fly spray, obviously your riding the horse so you know the owner, just ask? haha Good luck;)
    Make sure you get fly spray on her whole body often. The flies are really bad these days. I actually take a sponge and spray the sponge and go over the whole body good. And I personally would never let go, might ask for help but would not let go. She's gonna think that she runs the show. Hold on tight.
    Remove the cause. She needs fly repellant that works. Buy some Farnam Endure and apply it to her legs, belly, etc. before you ride her again.
    Ask your trainer thats what they are there for.
    get high quality fly spray or try to get fly strips in the barn. hope that helps!!
  • coupons
  • How much is a hovering and flying model of the u.s.s. enterprise from star trek worth? (it is remote control)?

    Roughly 200.00

    Anyone know GTA SA Jet flying controls (PC)?

    I've been searching everywhere for controlsAnyone know GTA SA Jet flying controls (PC)?
    so ur using the keyboards.....then get a walktrough the controls are there ^^Anyone know GTA SA Jet flying controls (PC)?
    To Get The Jet fast just type JumpJet then get into it

    then you have the:

    Num+8 = Vertical Mode. hold it some seconds.

    Num+2 = Horizontal Mode. hold it some seconds.

    W = Up or Accelerate.

    S = Down or Reverse.

    A = Wings Left.

    D = Wings Right.

    Q = Throttle Left.

    E = Throttle Right.

    Hold Space Bar = lock a target.

    Num+0 = Fire A Missile.

    Up = Flaps Up.

    Down = Flaps Down.

    Rate 5stars Best Answer.

    Is it ';One Flew Over Coventry'; and do we need more control over social workers?鈥?/a>Is it ';One Flew Over Coventry'; and do we need more control over social workers?
    So, the elderly woman's wishes, and her daughter's wishes are ignored and the old lady was put back into a council home. This is just proving that the law in the UK is an @ss.Is it ';One Flew Over Coventry'; and do we need more control over social workers?
    Social workers are simply following governmental legislation. That is exactly what our rulers expect of them.

    I am not defending Social Workers, far from it as I have a very low opinion of most of them.

    I work in a related field and the liberal minded brainwashing that is brought to bear on these people is both unbelievable and hypocritical.

    They probably thought the elderly lady concerned was being ';victimised and abused'; by her daughter and that it was ';they'; who knew what was best for her.

    Smell a whiff of a ';nannying'; government in there folks?

    Given that it is government who decides the power given to Social Workers, does one not think it was done intentionally and is unlikely to be changed?

    In a true Democracy a case such as this, where there are conflicting views between family and authority as to the best way to care for a vulnerable individual, then the law/judiciary should decide.

    If necessary this lady could have stayed with her daughter under supervision until a decision was made.

    In all walks of life, you cannot blame the worker if management is abysmal, dysfunctional or ineffective. A hat-trick in this case.

    That goes for both Social Services and the government
    Fascist New Labour Britain say no more, where is any freedom now?

    An incompetent government enforcing people to live in an inept care.

    The family means nothing.

    In GTA San Adreas, Is The At-400 meant to be flown? Controls?

    Is it possible to fly that big thing? What are its controls besides up and down?In GTA San Adreas, Is The At-400 meant to be flown? Controls?
    The hangar is at the south-eastern most part of LV Airport. Here's how to get it up into the air.

    Wait until the huge doors have come down. If the plane is there, run up the ramp to the side, and press triangle to enter. Hold down L2 and R2 at the same time and press square to start reversing. Let go of R2 and L2, and press R2 or L2 to turn the rudder. turn through 180 degrees and hold x. Fly to the end of the runway and pull back on the left analogue stick. Use the left analogue stick to bank left or right or ascend/descend. L2 and R2 control the rudder. Square is slow down, R3 raises the gear, and triangle is to jump outIn GTA San Adreas, Is The At-400 meant to be flown? Controls?
    i fly it all the time

    go to las venturas airport and in one of the hangers its there. its just basic flight controls but its a bit tough to get out of the hanger
    i pushed it out then got in it yes it does fly higher than any other plane you can fly over restricted area without being caught same controls as other planes
    In Las Venturas Airport there is a very large, lone hanger at one end of the main runway. If you walk up to it it opens top to bottem. At certian times of the day an AT-400 will spawn inside this hanger. Its difficult getting it out undamaged, but you can reach max height with it, plus you fly so high that flying over area-69 wont get you a wanted level. A must for the skydiver.

    Whats the name of the robot cartoon where the guy flies a helicopter into the robots head so he can control it

    Tranzor Z (in the United States, circa 1985).

    Elsewhere, it's called ';Mazinger.';

    Who's responsible for bad flying on a clear day: pilot or someone on the ground w/ no control over the pilot?

    This is a simple question.

    Please ... try to reflect, keep a cool head, and answer based on reality ... instead of how you might wish reality to be for the convenience of any given moment.鈥?/a>

    What kinds of responsibilities do pilots have?

    When do you lower your standards for a pilot's responsibilities?

    If you are still looking for someone ELSE to blame:

    -- Who put the crews directly in the area to begin with, the chase suspect or the tv station managers?

    -- Didn't police begin the chase?

    -- Should Folgers have manufactured coffee causing more alertness for the pilots? Can Folgers be sued?

    (Think of blaming the parents of a serial killer for the crimes of a serial killer, for instance.)Who's responsible for bad flying on a clear day: pilot or someone on the ground w/ no control over the pilot?
    Pilot error. They should have been aware of their surroundings.Who's responsible for bad flying on a clear day: pilot or someone on the ground w/ no control over the pilot?
    100% percent pilot error. 85% of all air accidents are pilot error. Everyone makes mistakes. We all make mistakes every day, but when pilots make mistakes sometimes it gets them killed.

    It may be hard for me to explain, but in that type of flying in the conditions they were flying in the pilots were 100% responsible for the separation of their aircraft and all others. It is extremely unfortunate....but I went to flight school in Phoenix and its airspace has a high volume of traffic.

    I have never flown helicopters so I am not familiar with their procedures, but I have noticed that when 4 or 5 helicopters are circling an area they are usually all at the same altitude!! Why couldn't they stagger the altitudes they fly at? I don't know, but I do fly airplanes and aircraft traveling in different directions are assigned different altitudes to prevent this. There is no need for them all to fly at the same exact altitude.....actually it is total nonsense to me. They would have never collided if their altitudes differed by just 50 feet!

    Pilot Jargon:

    Any time you are flying in VMC as opposed to IMC you the pilot are resonsible for separation from other aircraft......even if you are on an IFR flight plan! Only in instrument conditions would ATC be responsible for the separation of these aircraft. Which here is clearly not the case.
    It's not a matter of control -- the person on the ground is not being charged with intentional homicide.

    The person on the ground is being charged with creating a situation that contributed to the deaths -- that's wrongful death under a negligence theory.

    And your other ';someone else to blame'; arguments aren't valid under the laws as they are being applied.

    I personally don't agree that a person should be legally responsible for what other people (the new teams) choose to do -- and that's an affirmative defense that can be asserted ';Assumption of the Risk';, in addition to Contributory Negligence on the part of the pilots.

    But whether I agree with it or not, the law has been well established for a long time that the person engaged in an illegal attempt to flee can be held liable for any foreseeable harms that result form that action.

    And the wrongful death action is being pursued on behalf of the families of the people who died in the crash -- that's how wrongful death actions work.

    If there are also criminal charges for negligent homicide, then that's a matter of criminal prosecution. The DA doesn't get paid extra for bringing more charges.
    My opinion is that this was the fault of one or both of the 2 pilots. The fleeing criminal had no control over whether he had 1, 2, or 20 helicopters watching him run, any more than he could control how many dogs would have chased him if he had been running on foot. The pilot in command is responsible for operating the aircraft in a safe manner, and that includes overriding the wishes or orders of a cameraman who wants a better shot of the action.

    My guess is that one or both pilots got caught up in the moment, focused on the action on the ground, and lost their awareness of the situation, but that's just a guess. The investigation will assign the official cause at some point.
    Short of the FAA accident investigators finding that a mechanical failure was the main contributing factor to the midair collision, one has to conclude that pilot error was the cause of the accident. Both pilots were operating under visual flight rules, that is to say, see and be seen. Additionally, good common sense would dictate that they were communicating to each other via the helicopter air to air frequency. Although I am not privy to the investigative facts in the case, I am very long on aircraft flight experience and my educated guess would be that the pilots lost sight of each other and collided. Their biggest error was that they were at the same flight level. Television camera optics being what they are, for the life of me, I am mystified why they did not maintain a 500' altitude separation. They accident smacks of pilot error.
    Two entirely distinct sets of laws and policies intersect in this case. First we have the FAA regulations and simple aviation common sense: the pilot in command of an aircraft is responsible under visual flight rules to ';see and avoid'; all other aircraft and hazards to aviation.

    Second, we have the bizarre concept of ';felony murder.'; There are ruminations about that Arizona has an exceptionally broad felony murder statute. I'm not so sure. As a recent case showed

    (鈥?/a> when people die during the commission of or flight from a felony, some very strained interpretations of Arizona's felony murder statute have resulted in this and many, many other cases. (Don't forget, Miranda came out of Arizona, too.) However, this case is not really over the edge as lawsuits go.

    Let's not kid ourselves: Mr. Jones is not a candidate for having his picture on a trading card anytime soon. Once a decision is made to make someone go upstate for a LONG time, you can't fault the DA, as a zealous attorney representing the State, for using every tool at his disposal to secure a certain conviction and substantial time. This is litigation. It's a smelly game. Mr. Jones will probably plead out to something that sounds impressive and takes him out of circulation for seven or more years.

    Kind of ho-hum.
    I know I agree with you 1 million%, it's bloody ludicrous to try and blame anyone other than the pilots, only in America, jeez!
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  • I am trying to find a Radio Controlled toy that flies and goes on land and water too?

    I saw it on TV and it is so cool.It hovers overland and can skim out on the water,and it can fly up into the air.I want it for my two sons.Does anyone know what it is called and where I can get it???I am trying to find a Radio Controlled toy that flies and goes on land and water too?鈥?/a>I am trying to find a Radio Controlled toy that flies and goes on land and water too?
    aww thanks!

    Report Abuse

    walmart had them
    those are expenise and need repairing, maybe compromise to rc cars
    Try It's called hover something.
    their called hover cars

    get them at toyrus target wallmart kmart

    Why do grown men fly radio controlled planes at the nature preserve?

    The answer lies in the arrested development and poor self concept of some men. With a modest investment of cash they can pretend they are flying great big airplanes even though we know these are mere toys. Many of these men have very modest male parts along with the resultant low self concept and for this reason if they do seek out women they seek out little teeny tiny child like women rather than women fully grown.Why do grown men fly radio controlled planes at the nature preserve?
    Nice answer considering its from an idiot named ';Northboundgoat';.

    Its the adrenalin rush. It takes skill and practice to properly fly a model airplane. Not everyone can do it.

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    Why do grown men fly radio controlled planes at the nature preserve?

    Report Abuse

    Controlling flies in a person's home.?

    This is not a joke answer. I have this at my house:

    Get a clear plastic Ziploc type sandwich bag (not the clouded or frosted plastic) and fill it about 3/4 the way full of water. Squeeze out excess air and seal. Hang these in areas where flies are. Something about the reflection of the water scares them away.Controlling flies in a person's home.?
    have you tryed bug spray on a cotton ball place in window screen or door screenControlling flies in a person's home.?
    Best way to controll them is not to let them in in the first place. Keep any and all garbage out of and away from your house. If you have a dog, take it out ';FAR'; and let it do it's job. Don't leave food or snacks lying around in your home either. If this doesn't work, by a fly swatter or move.
    I had a fly problem in an older home and it turned out they were in the walls and ceilings. I hired someone to come in and spray and that was probably 5 years ago and have no problem since other than the occasional one that comes in when the door is opened.
    wash your floor with water mixed with salt

    Do you think flying saucers are being controlled from a different planet by aliens?

    i have also thought about this question do you think they are

    being controlled by them from another planet instead of them being inside.Do you think flying saucers are being controlled from a different planet by aliens?
    I'm not going to waste my time speculating about the existence of aliens visiting this planet until they actually decide to show up and reveal themselves to everyone openly.Do you think flying saucers are being controlled from a different planet by aliens?
    is more likely they are sending un manned or un aliened ships here . we have proven this is possible with the mars missions.If you want vids that have no explanation click here鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    i see you're not dead from the 'black widow' spider bite.

    i think aliens have better things to be doing then making farmers in Texas **** their pants.

    if i was an alien, i wouldn't come to earth in a flying saucer!!
    No, because I think there are no flying saucers. Show me one flying saucer account that can't be put down to ignorance, wishful thinking, delusion or fakery.
    I have never seen anything close to UFOs or Aliens and I don't want to either. Who knows if they are real? It can't be proven, and well, many people make up fake stories or fake things about them for attention....
    they are being flown as an advanced exploratory guard by the Marcabian Empire, here to hunt down those damned sneaky Thetans! Long Live Xenu!!
    There's no such thing as flying saucers. every sighting is either a hoax or a mistake.
    77 #@!***


    nu nununu nunu NunA

    bleelble bleeble bleepsz bleeppsz *bing*

    No. Actually they are remote control toys that belong to the people who live inside the Earth.
    You seem to be off a different planet.

    They don't exist.
    No, I think they're inside flying it.

    In GTA San Andreas, PC what are the controls to use the jetpack to make him fly??

    space(hold) %26gt; fly up

    space(release) %26gt; decend

    2 controls:

    w %26gt; foward

    a/d %26gt; fly right/left


    mouse %26gt; move to go all directions
  • coupons
  • I want to get a remote controlled airplane that actually flies. I am a total newbie, what should I look for?

    Bday present for my girlfriend? I'm thinking about Ebay, any basic info (price range, best brands for a beginner, etc) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.I want to get a remote controlled airplane that actually flies. I am a total newbie, what should I look for?
    Wait this is for you girlfriend? OMG ur a dork!

    Get her something she will like maybe!

    How to control anger? My husband flies into rages suddenly?

    in situations with total strangers. It is very difficult trying to control him. He gets abusive and it is difficult to control him. When he is back to his normal self, he agrees his behaviour is not correct and regrets the same. Any suggestions on how to help him control his temper?How to control anger? My husband flies into rages suddenly?
    u r going through the same like me.

    its nothing new for me too.

    but i have something for u. u know that ur husband is short tempered. u should also know one of his weakness. in the sense he loves u right there must be something in u which wud make him melt. for example with my husband if i feel bad for something tears start accumulating in my eyes my husband understands immidiately that he is hurting me. i dont cry all the time so. he likes when i keep smiling and persuading him like a kid. so there must be something like that between u. so my smile makes him forget everything. thats his weakness. well i wont ask u to take advantage of it even when u are wrong.

    somebody has to be understanding and giving up in the situations where u see u cannot control the other person. also it is very important to say sorry with full heart if u relaise u r wrong. when he is in a good mood tell him what his positives r. and what his negatives r. tell him what is the most u like about him and what is the worst which hurts u. and ask him to change lil by lil on that matter for u. u do the same ask him ur positives and negatives and u ask him what he doesnt like in u and wants to change a lil. try on and when he sees the difference in u he will automatically feel he has to change too for u because u r changing the lil things that bothers him.

    lil tip is that when u r with family, relatives and friends u see there r certain topics that might end up in some unlikley things and the topic is going to begin or already started just pause in with something new and change the topic of thier conversation smoothly where they dont realise they have been divereted from what they were speaking.

    also when u see ur husband is uncontrollable just leave the place temporarily and ask for excuse and go to toilet or someplace within the premises and come back a lil later he wud have cooled down. dont show ur anger at that time. show ur feeling of been hurt from ur facial expression cos u dont want everyone to see ur husband as a bad husband. because u cant let him down he is ur love right.

    do not talk about what happend on the same day. talk about it after few days when he seems ok. solve any issues u have in a weeks time from the day the incident happen. do not carry it through out life. it brings hateredness and nothing else.

    and after talking forget the issue do not take it and mix that issue and fight when something else newly comes in and ur anger raises.

    well its all in a girls hand to make or destroy relations. i think there is nothing impossible if a girl is determined and positive full of hope and love and affection.

    i wish u all the best.How to control anger? My husband flies into rages suddenly?
    If he agrees that he needs to change, Reiki and Bach Flowers can help him. Let him go to:



    for more information and he can select his own Flower Essences and receive Reiki.

    The online courses are free.
    He needs to figure out why. It's fear of something. Fear of losing something we have or fear of not getting something we want. That's what's going on when we act out like that. He needs professional help to find out what it is he is so afraid of that is making him act out so angry. Are things bad at his work? If he thinks he might lose his job, that could be making him act out. Sick child or parent? Marital problems? Anything like that could be doing it. Might not even be something you are aware of.
    this answer you may not relate to at all ..... but on the other-hand you are probably desperate ????

    Start going to church ..... one where they know how to pray for people. I hate to admit it, but I had the same type of problem once ..... it was difficult to deal with and to this day i still have to mange myself and ';watch'; myself ...... although with age came some mellowness .... I needed to be ';set free'; ... and I was. Next I had to learn how to walk in the liberty I was given ... and that is a process ... there are mostly good days with some bad days mixed in. You just have to keep going. You have to be diligent ......

    thing is I wanted to change and be better ..... and that must have been the key. so the pastor that worked with me found it easy to work with me cuz I always did everything he said to do .....

    hope this offers some insight ....
    check up his pressure and use nice words to him
    I can't believe I'm saying this but, get him to start smoking pot. In most cases it makes them into pussycats.
    I used to do that a lot,I found out I had a mental problem.I take medicine now for that.

    anger management might help a little bit.

    theirs no way you can change him.

    counseling probably will not work.

    Sorry to say.

    I wish Y'all the best.
    Slap him.

    Oh, sorry, taht's illegal., Too bad.

    If he agrees,t hen he should slap himself right in the face. Hard.

    WhenI had a hormone problem (unknown to me) and I acted out, I slapped myself really hard. It triggered the part of the brain that isn't rational, but very responsive to reward and punishment.

    Did me a great deal of good, and my family, too.

    Good luck!
    Have you considered that he may have borderline personality disorder?
    Unzip his pants... :)
    He needs anger management classes
    Anger management classes will only help him if he gets treated by a psychologist or mental health professional to find out what is making him go through those mood changes.
    1. This looks happening on spur of moment. Looks he loves you but want to reinforce his ideas.

    You must give him amla, lot of water, sankhpushpi, moti bhasm.

    Can wear pearl stone also.

    May eat kheer on poornima.

    Do not wear black/ red cloth. Wear yellow.

    Worshipping shiva can be effective.

    Jal Neti can be effective.

    I think he must take garlic everyday.

    contact me at
    ask for professional help!
    Sounds like he has an anger management problem. He needs to go to someone and get some help for that. Tell him to do that right away before he gets into a fight with someone, or he pisses somebody off so bad that he's the one that gets hurt, or winds up going to jail.
    Sounds like it would be good for him to go to anger management classes, they will help him think about the things he his doing, and if he agrees that it was wrong after the fact anyway, why not ask him to do this for the both of you
    Have him seek professional hellp, IMMEDIATELY if he can't control it himself.
    In order for someone to ';get angry';, they have to have a reason. Sometimes people who are hyper-active have this problem, and the anger as it were is really just energy thats bottled up. In the case where it is impatience, well, deep-breathing meditation works wonders. Using a mantra (word or phrase uttered over and over) helps with this immensely.

    When you put this thought in your head ';Ok, why does this upset me and what is going to be the result?'; immediately after a problem, you put an idea in your head that should pop up automatically.

    Remember to always consider, ';Is this life or death or am I just overreacting?';. Taking ones' beliefs too seriously, or intense pride, leads to these reactive behaviors.

    The decision to be non-reactionary (ie reasonable) has to come from deep within, it has to be A NEED, not just a want.

    Good luck!
    Ask him to do meditation based on self-realization under the guidance of an experienced spiritual teacher. He should become diplomatic and tactful in four to 9 months. In other words, he would be able to control his anger and not abuse others. Positive changes can be felt from the first week itself of his attending the first meditation class.
    make him see someone NOW!!
    Send him back to the Mother who spoiled her baby boy...
    1.Try to understand whether his temperament is same as in his office. If yes it is easy to Control.

    2.If no he has to be taken to a meditation to practise yoga.

    3.change your approach in telling the problem to him. Viz discussing the issues during or taking food. It should be discussed according to his mood.

    4.Discuss good things abut others and stay positive.

    5.Think about the other People who are a degree less than us they are also leading a happy life. Likewise it has to taught in a better mood.

    6.There are many things like this which cannot be told here. Since we don't know the situation of hi anger.
    People don't change. You shouldn't have married him in the first place.
    Hi Kate, I'm sorry to hear about your husbands sudden outbursts. You have some options here. I had a son the same way so I know what you are going through. Not that it's the same diagnosis as my son's. I had my son first of all to enroll in some Aggression management classes. It helped some for awhile. Then his temper esculated which I didn't feel was normal. I took him to our physician and found out that he had Bi Polar which is a disorder which can be controlled with medication and sometimes counseling. His attitude and behavior was like a ';Dr Jekyl and Mr. Hyde';. One minute he was calm,cool and collected and just with a snap of the finger his behavior turned for the worse with aggression and anger. After our physician diagnosed him with this disorder and placed him on medication he seems like his ';ole self'; again. Now I'm not saying that your husband has the same problem as my son but you might want to see your Dr. and maybe he can help and find out what is wrong with your husband. It just might be a medical issue. Good luck and my thoughts are with you.
    Anger managment will not be the key to fixing your husbands problem.. i will bet you any amount you wish to bet that your husband can fix this problem very easily..have him go see his family doctor and have his blood pressure checked that way he can start taking medication to fix this problem because what you are explaining to me sounds like a heart attack or a major stroke just around the corner..and if it's not highblood pressure i'm with the person who suggested smoking marijuana..but make sure he smokes the kind that is in the Indica family that way it will relax him..if he smokes the stuff in the Sativa family he will end up all agitated..and that's not what you want..
    Anger management class-right now. Is he not familiar with the Golden Rule?
    group therapy!
    hi its lalit

    you should go for some yoga therapy of baba ramadev or whenever he is too angry tell him to count 1 to 20 before reacting to the anger situation
    He needs anger management classes, before he hurts some one. Suggest this to him when he is settled down and not all out of control.

    If he refuses to go to get help through an anger management class you may need to reconsider weather your are going to stay with him. Some day you could be hurt and you need to think about that. If you have children they are seeing his behavior and they will copy him when they are older. Get him help or get out.

    No one deserves to have to be around some one who is out of control and so full of rage. Not a good or happy situation to have to live in.

    Good luck to you I hope it all works out.

    A one question political quiz - A missile is flying at one of two targets you control its impact...?

    Your country's missile has been damaged by small arms fire and will impact in a village square killing 17 innocent citizens of Waristan or you can destroy the missile with its self destruct but the remains will impact a PC killing 5 of your own country's soldiers

    There are absolutely no other options, one of the 2 will occur, you have to decide

    What do you do?A one question political quiz - A missile is flying at one of two targets you control its impact...?
    Self destruct.A one question political quiz - A missile is flying at one of two targets you control its impact...?
    You have not given enough information for this question to be answered properly. You say the citizens of Waristan are innocent, but you do not say that the soldiers are. If this is a veiled attempt to impugn American soldiers, I remind you that they are the ones defending your right to ask this question.
    er, ahhh, ummmm, errr, uhh,, well, you see America needs to lead the way in nuclear arms reduction, uhhh,,, hmmmm,. uhhh, CRAP! That is above my paygrade. Go ask my Press Secretary, Gibbs.'d blow up waristan.
    Eff Waristan, I'm not going to kill 5 American soldiers

    When Your riding a flying Unicorn like God rides around on are You still subject to Air Traffic Control?

    I want the same thing you are smoking :)When Your riding a flying Unicorn like God rides around on are You still subject to Air Traffic Control?
    I wouldn't think so, but out of courtesy you should obey the rules of the road whether under the clouds or in them.When Your riding a flying Unicorn like God rides around on are You still subject to Air Traffic Control?
    No you aren't, the air traffic controllers can't see you because you are in an etheral state of being.
    No, it is considered an ultra light.
    I'm not sure I would even be allowed to ride a Unicorn in the first place....aren't they reserved for Royalty and Deities?? Oh....and mystical creatures....such as Hobbits and the like?? I'm none of those....I don't think witches can ride Unicorns...can they?
    No,but you are required to carry an extra large pooperscooper !

    Flying around Fort William, UK. Is there any controlled airspace in that area? What flight level from?

    This is a question to any fliers who have a CAA aviation chart of West Scotland.

    Second question: How many nautical miles out from the Faslane/Coulport nuclear bases (west of Glasgow on Loch Long) does controlled airspace extend? And is that airspace a circle?

    ThanksFlying around Fort William, UK. Is there any controlled airspace in that area? What flight level from?
    Wouldn't know. Am a pilot in the U.S.

    I'd contact the CAA. Here's their website: around Fort William, UK. Is there any controlled airspace in that area? What flight level from?

    With far left liberals in complete control of all the branches of government...Is this ';Lord of the Flies';?

    ...where children rule and govern themselves ...with no adult intervention?With far left liberals in complete control of all the branches of government...Is this ';Lord of the Flies';?
    more like the mentally ill in charge of the asylumWith far left liberals in complete control of all the branches of government...Is this ';Lord of the Flies';?
    I am a Republican voting for Obama because he is an Intelligent man and stays calm in crisis. As for the rest I am going to vote against the incumbent whatever party they are in. You are wrong about the Democrats not all of them are as far to the left as you are to the right. It was 1/3 of Democrats that voted with the House Republicans against the bailout. Your guy missed his chance there he should have opposed the bailout instead of trying to get them to swallow the mud sandwich. He would be in the lead now.
    Lol. The bigger question is: Who is going to be Piggy?

    Used and then killed off. :)

    EDIT: Monger: Didn't see you're post there, as I was typing mine while your's was being submitted. Haha. It's funny that we both had the same thought on that one!
    Wow, way to name check an Important Book. Not sure I get your point.

    Let's roll with it, though... at what point do you expect far left liberals to be in complete control of the judiciary?

    That sounds like what would happen if libertarians were in charge. The far left would likely prefer that the adults tell everybody what to do.
    What, are you worried you'll be playing the part of Piggy?


    Just beat you to the conch, is all...LOL
    what a great question you hide the biased in it very well. im sure everyone will take you seriously.
    It is a return to sanity.
    I'm reading that book right now!

    I have to disagree though. Obama is more of a Ralph than a Jack
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  • Can I change the flying controls on GTA Vice City for PC? And, if I can, how?

    I have a laptop and it does not have the side numbers that are usually used for flying and shifting the weight of the bikes.Can I change the flying controls on GTA Vice City for PC? And, if I can, how?
    do you know that there is a function on your laptop called 'NUMLOCK'?Can I change the flying controls on GTA Vice City for PC? And, if I can, how?
    No, I tried it and you can't do it.

    Can you be sure that the fly on your wall is not controlled by the US army?

    I dissected him, nope, he's clean.Can you be sure that the fly on your wall is not controlled by the US army?
    I can not, but I can smash it just to be safe.Can you be sure that the fly on your wall is not controlled by the US army?
    You can't be sure!!!!

    BUT look underneath and if it's stamped with


    It's sure to belong to the Australian Army not the US

    arent they all ?
    never sure. that's why i swap them immediately and flush them down my sink. that's just precaution, that my tomcat missed one and did not ate it already. rats, he brings on occasion, when i forget my self on RS section, to share his lunch with me for a change. i usually ,,finish it by wrapping in in a rat-bag and throw in in a garbage bin. in both cases, Army loses EDIT: ROFL on here guys, i love this type of responses
    They don't need flies, they have satellites that can look through your walls.
    I can't. I'll just kill it.
    Dont take govt. officials as GOD :P
    Yes! Ive just killed it and it was definately squishy not metallic.

    It's winter... you know, -17 celsius outside... not many flies around ;)
    no, but let me guess, the worst thing it can do is to crap on the wall ??? now, that would be disaster, no ?

    I understand UK army has remotely controlled killer butterflies...

    and the mice are armed with surface to air mini missiles that can take out a fly, and pigs have remotely controled granade launchers...

    Has anyone ever heard of a remote control vehicle or car that also flies? If so, how much and where to buy?

    Yes it is called Fly Wheels XPV and is in the argos catalouge for 69.99

    When you dream of flying do you remember what controls your direction and propulsion?

    For me it comes from my hands every time control and propulsion?When you dream of flying do you remember what controls your direction and propulsion?
    Ive noticed when I have flight dreams I tend to balance myself (arms outstretched) and with a little curve of my body I change directions like a plane. I never know where Im going but Im more happy to be getting away from something and being free. Then I dive bomb back to earth usually right back where I started from but wirth a new feeling of ';I can handle this';.When you dream of flying do you remember what controls your direction and propulsion?
    In my dreams I have already mastered flying. I just jump off the ground and i'm in the air. How I control it is by tilting my body. If i wanna turn I just roll to the side. If i wanna go up or down I raise my legs or upper body. I don't need to have a fly dream. I can fly in every dream I have.
    yep! I had a flying dream just the other night. all I really had to do was jump into it and I controlled my direction from the core of my body.

    Is you life spiraling out of control or is it flying smoothly? ?

    MY Life is what I make of it -- and by continuing to be frugal, work hard, do what I need to do to take care of my obligations (and chores) -- then my life proceeds along as it always has .. not necessarily smoothly -- but MOVING FORWARDS!Is you life spiraling out of control or is it flying smoothly? ?
    sometimes it feels like i've just got my life back on track and then something happens to make me realize that it wasn't. like right now i want to cry about something that happened a long time ago. Is you life spiraling out of control or is it flying smoothly? ?
    a bit of both, I am taking sh!t from all sides at the minute, but I can take the rough with the smooth, and guess what I'm knackered again!

    night night TO3KN33, sleep well when its your turn huni ;-)
    Spiraling out of control sadly.

    Atleast its not all the way out of control yet.

    Smooth sailing today. It was spiraling out of control last week, but I think I have a handle on it. Now that my family left I think I will survive to fight another day.
    Spiralling smoothly thanks! :)
    It's the economy that's spiraling out of control. My life is OK.

    OUt of control it seems like everything is falling apart and i dont know what to do. :/
    spiraling and badly too.

    Crazily spirally!
    Spiralling out of control - my life is no longer in my hands it appears =[
    its spiraling out of control at the moment =(

    too much stress and drama!
    Flying smoothly thank you.
    It varies from day to day.
    It's spiraling in flight....

    in between.

    it's going quite fast though, definitely over the speed limit.
    A little of both..
    spiraling out of controll.. grr i wish there was something i could do to stop it =[
    my life is flying smoothly, my mind is spiraling

    out of control!
    depends on the day
    i am out. of. controllll

    mhm ya
    It's like... idk

    kind of both.

    How does Jack, in Lord of the Flies, show leadership and a controlling personality?

    In Lord of the Flies, in what parts of the book does Jack show leadership? What parts does he show his controlling personality?

    How does Jack, in Lord of the Flies, show leadership and a controlling personality?
    Jack shows leadership when he, ralph, and roger climb the mountain even though they think that there is a beast on to. He also shows leadership when hunting for the pig because he cares for his people so much that he is doing his best so they wont go hungry.

    Jack can be controlling. One example is when ralph asked his hunters to take care of the fire but Jack didn't want that and he took the hunters to hunt because thats what he wanted them to do. Another example is when he takes a vote for the next cheif. No one votes for him but he sets up his own tribe nonetheless.How does Jack, in Lord of the Flies, show leadership and a controlling personality?
    From Shmoop Lit/Lord of the Flies


    Jack is brave; Jack and Ralph climb the mountain to face the beast, one of many moments of odd camaraderie between the two.

    Jack gets to swear, play war games, hunt things, and paint his face, without risking being sent to his room for playing rough and accidentally killing the neighbors.

    Controlling Personality

    But Jack鈥檚 lust for power, blood, violence, cruelty, and eventually his lust for Ralph鈥檚 death, qualifies him quite well as an antagonist.
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  • If planes were flown by remote control...?

    would u ever fly?If planes were flown by remote control...?
    I wouldn't have dreamt to be an astronaut! I would have reached space in no time!If planes were flown by remote control...?

    What would happen when the batteries ran out?
    Hey Batman, where have you been its happening right now and its safer than having a pilot who has had to much to drink flying the plane....kara
    no i don't even like flying unless I'm doing the flying
    sure... as long as i hold d remote
    F.Y.I. modern jets can fly from take off to landing without the pilots help, that is remote control. The jets have 3 redundant computers and the pilots are just their to make sure their are no problems.
    Well,isn't the auto pilot kinda remote control!
    What very few people actually realize is that planes ARE flown by remote. Pilots only do what computers tell them. And they're there more for... marketing and PR reasons than for actually being needed.

    One could also build a remote or computer controlled car that would not need a driver, would never bump into the one in front of it and never exceed speed limits.

    We will probably have that too one day... For now, nobody needs it mainly because people buy cars just as they buy jewels. They're hardly a necessity anymore. They're... a life style.... ;)
    of course
    planes are basically flown by remote control. Its called FMS, flight management system. You type in where you are at and where you are going. The remote control, FMS, can start the plane fly it and in some planes the auto pilot can even land the plane.
    Yes l would.
    nope, won't fly if it wasn't either
    LOL ummm NO....terrorists already able to hijack....then all they got to do is hack into a computer and really blow up buildings...without risking themselves.
    they pretty much are aren't they...
    only if I were a dumba**

    How do you control the chopper in GTA IV? I need to know all the controls of flying a chopper in GTA IV.?

    I can't get through A Revenger's Tragedy in GTA IV. Some say it's easy while others have problems. For me it's the toughest mission mostly because it takes too long. When I get on the boat to chase Dimitri and jump on the chopper I almost immediately lose him and he always gets away! Once flying too high and not seeing where he went. Second time flew in and crashed into the buildings then was going low. The cutscene showed my chopper landing on the pad and there wasn't a propeller on it! I need the details of the controls in GTA IV for flying the Annihilator helicopter. Could someone please help? I've been trying to beat this mission for over 3 hours or more! ARRRRGH!! MOTHER F******!! As Nikko says....How do you control the chopper in GTA IV? I need to know all the controls of flying a chopper in GTA IV.?
    for what system? for the xbox right trigger is to lift off, left trigger is to slow down. up on left analog stick to move forward, move left/right to turn. hold back to slow down. rb and lb turn the helicopter in a circular motion without leaning the helicopter. use rb and lb they are very helpfulHow do you control the chopper in GTA IV? I need to know all the controls of flying a chopper in GTA IV.?
    Controls (GTA IV) for both PS3 and Xbox:鈥?/a>
    right stick is up n down, left stick left n right, thats how i remember it, what u should try is find a random chopper n practise in that missions area
    one of the analog sticks and the left and right buttons to use the tail rotor

    How do you kill and control Sphaerocerid Flies?

    I don't know if I am certain with my identification, nor how to properly describe them... They are small and black and can be smaller than a an ant at youth, and once they've matured somewhat similar in size to a fruit fly with a slightly broader body. The adolescents I'd say have very thin and wings that are longer in proportion to their bodies than the adults, which have a fuller body and stocky wings looking almost like a moth flies... All else I can try to explain of them is when you crush the adults you can see that their tails sort of curve downward, being thicker at the end... Searching online the Sphaerocerid is the only thing I saw that resembled my flies.

    They have been here now for the past three months, where we'd be initially seeing anywhere from 3 to 8 a day, on good days none at all. Searching constantly for their source, and keeping all surfaces clean, we finally found where they were coming from about two weeks ago... Our sink had been leaking for the last six months and we alerted our landlord at the onset and recently realized that it had been leaking down below as well, rotting out the floorboards... So our landlord has just replaced our sink a week or so ago and during the installation our house just filled with them! Discovering they were living under the sink, we have since removed everything from beneath it and allowed it to dry out but their numbers have just multiplied! We're now seeing 15 to 30 flies daily since then and he does not plan to replace the boards anytime soon and we have no way to get beneath them to try to clean them out and no desire to spray chemicals. Everything that I have read of these and similar flies says to remove all organic, damp and rotting materials, but we can't get beneath the darn tile...

    Does anyone know a way in which these flies or whatever else they may be that can naturally kill them at the source by spraying or something or any traps that we can set to catch them?

    Thank you so much for any answers you can provide...How do you kill and control Sphaerocerid Flies?
    These small flies have dark colored bodies and are about 1/8 inch in length, making proper identification difficult without magnification. The tarsi (last 5 segments of the hind leg) is the key to identifying the Sphaerocerid fly. On this particular fly, the first segment of the tarsi is greatly enlarged.鈥?/a>

    hen searching for Sphaerocerid fly breeding sources, remember that the larva can only survive in decaying organic matter that is moist. The first obvious place to check is where any fruits or vegetables or stored outside of refrigerators or coolers. Other areas to inspect would be dumpsters, recycling bins, seldom used (or cleaned) garbage cans, underneath and behind large appliances. Do not overlook drains where small flies are often found breeding in the super thin layer or film of debris that naturally accumulates in pipes, traps and drains.

    In commercial and residential structures, tiny amounts of organic debris are often found where the legs or feet of appliances, tables or cabinets touch the floor. These tiny spaces can harbor thousands of fly larvae. All small cracks and crevices at floor level need to be inspected and thoroughly cleaned. Floor and sink drains can then be treated with Drain Gel (formally called Fly Gel).

    Once one source has been located, continue with your inspection. Sphaerocerid flies easily follow air currents and usually have several breeding places in any structure. Do not assume that all of your breeding sources are indoors; Sphaerocerid flies will wander in from nearby dumpsters, outdoor garbage cans or even damp compost piles where fruits and vegetables are disposed.

    As in any Small Fly elimination program, identifying and eliminating all possible breeding sites is the key to success.

    In a few isolated cases (where moisture was an on-going problem) Talstar liquid concentrate has been used to spray the soil in crawl spaces beneath older buildings. Talstar gave immediate and long term (2 months) control in killing flies and fly larvae.

    Talstar products cannot be shipped to MA, NY, NJ, CT, VT, HI, CA, AK

    Cynoff, Demon or Cypermethrin 4 Ounce are alternative products for various states.

    Although there are several sprays and traps used to kill flies in a home, restaurant or other structure, the infestation cannot be eliminated without eliminating their source. A space spray (Pyrethrin spray) can be used as a quick kill, reducing populations of flying insects. Pyrethrin spray is also a crack and crevice tool that is used to spray the tiny areas where flies breed. To monitor the area, use a Gold Stick trap. These traps use a fly sex lure to attract flies to their doom. Every Sphaerocerid fly caught is one less breeding adult! If you locate a drain that is a breeding ground for small flies, use Drain Gel (formally called Fly Gel) to destroy the film in which the fly eggs and larvae are developing. A surface spray is not recommended in this situation, unless there are great numbers of flies resting on the surface of trash cans, dumpsters or exterior walls. Fruit Fly Traps are also an excellent tool for capturing small flies. Attach the trap to the inside lid of garbage cans, dumpsters or compost bins to capture adult flies before they breed. Dispose of traps when full of flies or after 3 months. Click here to see fly elimination products.

    For more info

    call free info


    Should i get an radio controlled flying plane or a radio controlled flying helicopter?

    both are good but i think helicopter is better becuz a plane can be used only outdoors. if the weather is not good you won't be able to play so buy a helicopterShould i get an radio controlled flying plane or a radio controlled flying helicopter?
    both are awesome, do you only have to have one?

    i'd go with the helicopter, so that you can fly it inside. a plane is inconvenient indoors.Should i get an radio controlled flying plane or a radio controlled flying helicopter?
    Plane, helicopters are much more difficult to learn and fly. Helicopters come with one guarantee ';You will crash it your first try';, you be buying a lot of rudders and spending even more time swearing.
    Plane. RC helicopters are much more complex and difficult to operate. Can we say crash-time kiddies.

    How Do I Grow Fruit Flies in a Controlled Fashion?

    I need to do an experiment on fruit flies but first i must grow some fruit flies so that i can use its instars as experiment subjects. I know that i can buy them but i want to do it myself so that i control all the factors of growth. Obviously i do not want to infest my house with fruit flies so im hoping for someone who has done this before to please give me some pointers as to how to do it in a controlled fashionHow Do I Grow Fruit Flies in a Controlled Fashion?
    The best way to carry out your experiment is to get pure cultures of known genetic strains of fruit flies. You may want to buy a culture that is larger so it will be easier to work with the instar larvae. Once you have the culture and culture materials. You can empty out the adult flies. The next day you can choose from the newly emerged adults those you will use for producing your instars. Place the chosen adults into fresh fruit fly medium, stopper the bottles and keep them in a constant environmental conditions which you will determine and record. Once you see hatchling larvae moving in the medium, remove the adults and allow the instars to mature to the size you need for the experiment.

    Here is a link for Carolina Biological Supply for fruit fly cultures and materials:鈥?/a>How Do I Grow Fruit Flies in a Controlled Fashion?
    First you have to get some fruit fly eggs or capture a pregnat one so you can hatch it (room temp best). Keep them in a tight area (use like a plastic bos or something with holes on top make sure to seal the cal tightly or they'll escape [use tape or something])feed them well, almost anything even poo. Use apples oor meaty things. For water, use a small wet sponge for them.

    Should people be flying radio-controlled airliners over our heads?

    last January the people at Boscombe Down research aerodrome in Wiltshire, UK, flew a BAC One-Eleven jetliner purely by radio-control (no pilots).

    The 90-seater jet airliner is the size of a DC-9 or a little smaller than the Boeing 757 that crashed into the Pentagon during the 9/11 atrocity.

    It was flown over Wiltshire by a pilot sitting in the rear seat of a Tornado (a bit similar to a F-15) attack jet. Does this worry anyone here in the UK and should they be allowed to fly a jetliner by remote control over our heads?Should people be flying radio-controlled airliners over our heads?
    Well lets face the facts here.

    1. That aircraft is one of dozens that fly over your head every day.

    2. The aircaft is carrying no passengers, thus less mass (around 25 - 50 tonnes)and less energy to transfer to an unfortunate on whom it crashes.

    3. Air travel is the safest form of transportation around. You are far more likely to be involved in a car crash than be involved in an airliner crash.

    My advice, worry more about cars driving through your loungeroom than a single aircraft overhead.Should people be flying radio-controlled airliners over our heads?
    There have been large, remote piloted aircraft flying over heads for a long time.
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  • In the Marvel Universe, would someone who controls metal non magnetically be able to make it fly?

    its more like making it ';float'; in the air or ';hover';. If youre referring to magneto, then he uses his magnetic powers to make metal move around by attracting it or repelling it. He uses his powers to move his body up into the air so he practically flies like superman.

    Theres also the heroes with telekanesis who make things, especially non metal things, move around with their mind. It just depends on what character youre talking about.In the Marvel Universe, would someone who controls metal non magnetically be able to make it fly?

    The Hulk (Hulk issue #6) had an encounter with a being called ';The Metal Master'; who was an alien who could control and animate all types of metals. This power was not magical. He could alter the shape of the metal and levitate it. Therefore he could make it fly.In the Marvel Universe, would someone who controls metal non magnetically be able to make it fly?
    Yes. There is the possibility that if they can control metal, they could (theoretically) create vibrations by moving the metal's mass slightly at a high rate of speed, fast enough to cause motion. If they re-shaped it to be aerodynamic (a la Silver Surfer) then it could be steered in any direction really.

    Magneto uses polar magnetic fields to repel off the earth. look it up on wiki
    No way, they'd be able to manipulate it, but not make it fly. That's a totally different ability.
    hi hi hi sorry
    no, just make it change shape i think.

    Controlling fly aways?

    How do you control fly aways and which products should I use? I have a lot of fly aways and its disgusting to even look at my hair! HELP!?Controlling fly aways?
    Try a firm hold hair spray . It keeps those fly aways in place. Or you could use a little bit of gel, that's what I use on my bangs. Hairspray works well though :) I don't have a certain product to recommend, but preferally one from a salon .Controlling fly aways?
    I go here for fly away answers.
    yeahh same 4 me but u can use Garnier fructisstyle

    xxlvolume thickening mousse extreme u can get it at wal-mart
    use hairspray

    Do you go through passport control at Gatwick or City Airport when you have flown in from Edinburgh?

    Nope - but you will need passport or photo ID at EDI.Do you go through passport control at Gatwick or City Airport when you have flown in from Edinburgh?
    No. Internal flights don't have to go through passport control.Do you go through passport control at Gatwick or City Airport when you have flown in from Edinburgh?
    No but the airline will require your passport for check in (some accept other photographic ID for internal flights). No ID necessary for train travel

    Is there any type of air traffic control for flying insects? Do mid-air collisions occur frequently?

    of course out of every 1125 flies taking off from the trash 3 do hit each other.

    but that is much less for less crowded insectal air strips .

    %26amp; for the military jets (Hornets) they have higher tolerance they record a collision out every 21500 T/O OperationIs there any type of air traffic control for flying insects? Do mid-air collisions occur frequently?
    No, no ATC to speak of, mid-air collisions are frequent in areas of high congestion like stables, dairies, landfills and swamps.