Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Last night I flew higher and faster than any flying dream that I've had. Can dream flights be controlled?

The dream I had last night started with me driving in my car up on a high mountaintop. I kept thinking I was in Italy. There were lots of villages below and the landscape was beautiful. However, the terrain on the road was not passable. Several trees had dropped and their were huge boulders scattered everywhere. I sat down, looked at the landscape, and wondered what I was going to do.

Within seconds a hiker appeared and sat down beside me. I asked her what she was doing there. She smiled and said, ';You know me.'; A powerful sense of who this person was emerged; I recognized that she was an angel. And, with that I was commissioned (non-verbally) to take flight. The flight was vertical. I went up and up and up. It almost felt like being in a vacuum. I had no control, but I knew I was safe. The flight was exhilirating and joyful.

There was more to the dream. However, there is not enough space in this forum. I would like to know if any of you have developed dream flight control?Last night I flew higher and faster than any flying dream that I've had. Can dream flights be controlled?
When we dream of angels, guides, or any other kind of spiritually significant figure it can mean that this presence, essence, power, God, whatever you want to call it, is maybe visiting upon us. Perhaps we need that 'presence' in our life, or maybe we asked for it earlier %26amp; this is our 'answer'.

The path you were traveling on had been blocked, the terrain on the road impassible. Has the path of your life recently been blocked by something? (With that said, did you ask God for help - if so, this dream is your answer - the feelings of comfort %26amp; goodness that you had, his Love, meant to comfort %26amp; lift you).

To answer your question about peoples personal experience with flying in dreams, I constantly have dreams where I can fly/float. Usually I am in control of how high I go, and whether I go forwards, backwards, sideways, etc. It's more like swimming in the air than flying - but I do not have to move any body parts to gain motion, unless I want to go up in some dreams I have to propel my arms, like when you tread water while swimming - not like beating wings.

I find that my flying dreams are usually connected to feelings that you express when I have meditated %26amp; prayed for an answer to my problems.

My other flying dreams are usually me being goofy (to tease people that I am over their heads, or I run away from impossible situations by flying away %26amp; laugh at my enemies while doing it). Occassionally I have flying dreams where I am not being a trickster, but just soaring over great tracts of land or water, or floating above forests %26amp; going in and out of the tree tops.

One thing is certain though, I always maintain flight control. I'm always my own pilot. That's why I think your dream was a spiritual intervention - b/c you did not have control of your flight.Last night I flew higher and faster than any flying dream that I've had. Can dream flights be controlled?
You were NOT out of control- just in very good hands at the time, altho maybe it didn't feel like it at the time.

Check out lucid dreaming at: and for some lessons about flight control. ';Creative Dreaming'; by Patricia Garfield, Ph.D ISBN 0-345-24955-0-175 got things going; published first in the '70's, so it might be hard to find.

Keep the faith, blessed be.
Yes and I love those type of dreams. Most of the time mine are with someone chasing me. Though I do remember having one dream where I was flying up on a cloud until I reached Jesus and when I got there he was smiling telling me good job. Also while I was there he was directing traffic on a bridge where some cars would go up and some would fall down. It seems to me that God is very pleased with someting you have done and in my case it's like entering Heaven, remember there are bad roads but there is always another option :)

Whis is the best Flying Game... with fighter planes, all controls and everything...?

ACE COMBAT 6Whis is the best Flying Game... with fighter planes, all controls and everything...?
Microsoft Flight Combat Simulator.Any of them are good.Whis is the best Flying Game... with fighter planes, all controls and everything...?
Tom Clancy HawkX

Neurotransmitter Glutamate controls homosexuality in fruit flies?鈥?/a>

If that's the case then theoretically by changing the levels of glutamate you change the strenghth of the connections between neurons which results in a change in sexual orientation. I guess if sexuality is liable to change in fruit flies then why not humans. What are your personal opinions on this article?Neurotransmitter Glutamate controls homosexuality in fruit flies?
One more time.......the neurology of a HUMAN is vastly different than that of a fruit fly, this should not be all that hard to understand. This article that is circulating is an exact example of why popularization of scientific articles can be a bad idea. The writer often totally misses the significance and jumps to conclusions based on his or her own bias.Neurotransmitter Glutamate controls homosexuality in fruit flies?
I think you misunderstand. Fruit flies don't have a sexual orientation. They aren't attracted to others based on complex emotional and physical conditions, they're more focused on pheramones and ability to identify gender.

All this shows is that fruit flies can be 'tricked' into seeking the wrong gender in attempt to mate. It's seriously unlikely to move on to altering sexual attraction in humans or any mammal for that matter.
Gee, they can genetically engineer mice by gene splicing to run faster on treadmills but that doesn't mean there wil be a race of superhumans anytime soon. And a fruitfly's 'brain' is a far less complex one than a persons...and were not rats used to determine the Food Pyramid for feeding people, during World War 2? And the results are: it's great for fattening hogs but people in the West who follow it blindly suffer huge levels of obesity? So no, I think your question and thoughts on this are incredibly underdeveloped, and have no correlation to any possibilities. If they found a chemical to make fruitflies bugger each other silly, would you encourage that as a solution to world overpopulation? I somehow don't think so! All you show is a bias with a very weak basis and a poor knowledge of genetic research.
My glutes are quite fine, thanks anyway.

Genetically engineered oats are quite convenient for farmers but I prefer the natural oats.

My oatmeal is so tender and fresh. It give me all the energy I need and my home smells breakfasty, well that's in part due to the homemade cinnabuns Mrs. Pietrobelli brings me on Saturdays.

What Are The Controls For Super Mario Bros 3 For The Virtual Console On Wii Like Flying Etc.?

please answerWhat Are The Controls For Super Mario Bros 3 For The Virtual Console On Wii Like Flying Etc.?
Hints, cheats and walkthroughs for that game:鈥?/a>

Who flew the 9/11 planes? Who controlled the pilots? Where did they come from?

I think this one of the biggest and still little-known secrets of 9/11 is the actual identities and affiliations of the 9/11 pilots.

Does this video answer these questions?

Or not?Who flew the 9/11 planes? Who controlled the pilots? Where did they come from?
The pilots of United Airlines %26amp; American Airlines originally flew the planes until the hijackers from Al Qaeda overpowered them %26amp; took over.


Note: Are the hijackers still Alive?

This question was raised by the BBC because someone thought they might have seen a person, named as a hijacker, walking around.

If this is true, it simply means we got a hijacker NAME wrong. That鈥檚 all. No one is disputing that 19 members of Al Qaeda attacked us, and that all these persons are dead.

It means nothing.Who flew the 9/11 planes? Who controlled the pilots? Where did they come from?
Dude it was little green men in UFOs! It must be true I read it on the Internet!
The men we heard about were the ones that did it.... funded by alCIAda
Radical Muslim Arabs flew the planes.

Osama Bin Laden a radical Muslim Arab dissident controlled the pilots.

They came from Saudi.

I don't own a monitor to watch your conspiracy video and it doesn't take one to see what went on that day.
Some people think the planes were flown by remotes.

Read ';What's Behind The Media'; by Ryan Dawson. It explains (almost) everything.鈥?/a>
Hey *** wipes!!!! Some are still alive!!!!!!

Where can i find remote controlled airplanes which have to be assembled and then flown????????

it can be in indore,mumbai and pune...........i need a definite place and addressWhere can i find remote controlled airplanes which have to be assembled and then flown????????
You can find some online at Hobby Warehouse ( The offer a variety of RC (or remote controlled) products.
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  • Controlling Drain Flies?

    The topic is drain flies. Why don't pesticide companies treat drain flies? New to an area in the south. They left a quart of DF5000. It works to some degree but flies keep creeping in. In the interim I have used Drano and water blend with bleach. I might add that this is a new home. Less than a year. When we moved in there was a blockage in the drain system which was needed to be cleared during the first week of occupancy.

    Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.Controlling Drain Flies?
    The bleach should work. By drain flies, do you mean fruit flies or something bigger?

    I would not dilute the bleach too much. If that does not work, switch to a RAID type product. I like konk 409. Its an aerosol, but spray it directly down the drain.

    If you have a septic tank system, I would check with a plumber as you don't want the draino %26amp; everything reacting to blow up your septic tank.Controlling Drain Flies?
    Try keeping the drain closed, with a small amount of water in the tub. This should prevent them from coming out. Just change the water our once a day so it doesn't go stagnant.
    Drain flys come from a build up of waste materials coating your pipes, they can also breed in any wet damp place like water under flower pots, or leaking wash machines, etc. They come right through the water in the P trap when they emerge. It only takes 48 hrs from eggs to adult fly.

    Putting pesticides into a sewer drain is against federal law and all 50 states laws. The pesticides kill the microbes that digest the waste in septics and municipal sewage plants.

    Get rid of all standing, leaking water and damp places, then:

    Clean and scrub the pipes often to remove the build up. Then flush the pipes with bleach after each cleaning.

    OR: use an organic waste digester that slowly builds up and grows in your pipes. After about a month of applications, it will have grown enough microbes to have eaten all the waste in your pipes and is coating the sides of the pipe. The microbes will keep the pipes clean once they become established. Clean pipes deny the flys breeding places. DF5000 is such a waste digester, it is not a pesticide.

    Using bleach after using DF5000 kills the microbes in the DF5000 so stop using bleech and start using bio-degradable cleaners like people in the country with septics do. It takes about a month of treatment for DF5000 to work.

    The only other way to reduce the flys is to keep the drains covered when not in use. But when you unplug the drain to use it, they will rush out.